Monday, March 14, 2011

Padlock Forgot Combination

Reports on Monday # 93 (what a drag!)

As a barbecue organized by a group of vegans, a little meat to the fire for this report. Single for the weekend, I took the opportunity to settle a bit 'of mange and put in order.

Friday evening, the last working dinner with Pablo: translations of the pages are finished. A few small tweaks and debuts. I do not know if I do well but I am beginning to be really excited that a few months from now someone could be comfortable with me. I'm not saying I want to be known as the Mother Teresa of the third millennium, however, makes me proud to think that someone who I never met in person can enjoy as a sow with my horny dildo up your ass.
Being the stewards of consolation can be very rewarding.

Saturday afternoon missed appointment with the demonstration in defense of public schools and the Constitution. Fewer participants in my expectations, and even if the newspapers report of 10,000 people present, so i really can only comment: buahahahaha!
a veil on the slogan shouted out loud by some parents. They were all out metrics, with assonance instead of rhyme, with the division of syllables to say the least arbitrary and banalotti content. The worst of all deserve special mention: "La scuo - lapubblica - non si tocca, siam pronti a difender - lacon la lotta!" (?!?!?).

Domenica pisciosissima, ha piovuto tutto il dì. Tra pochi giorni ricomincio il corso di spagnolo e sono fermo da due anni... Per non fare figure di merda subito ed esordire con "Mi chiamos Massis e sonos muy imbarazado en esto momentos", ho ricominciato a studiare duro. Se vi state chiedendo se esiste una domenica più triste di quella passata a studiare, stirare e mangiare con un cinese imbecille come sola compagnia, sicuramente sì. Ma la mia sta di sicuro nella top ten.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Medical Malpractice Complaint

It will be the 'horoscope?!

The horoscope was right ...
How many of you believe it? And those who firmly believe that they are all stupid? I belong to the second category of people, but I enjoy it very much. I do not deny that if it happens in a magazine in their hands consult the last pages, where there usually there is the prediction.
Obviously the only thing I am proud and I am sure is that my sign is the best.
are the sign of 'Aquarium ... and goes well, there is little to add, and to deny ... : P!
But let's get to the point.
In my Venus sign there ... the planet of love.
Well it seems that we are endowed with a special charisma these days, short enough to take a look sparks. I find that deep down it is so. It amuses me to notice it, I enjoy even pretend not to notice (hihihih!)
It 'nice to meet new people and especially nice to note that there is still the man who courted knows, who knows how to keep you entertained without being vulgar, you know keep company. It 'nice to hear myself, deny that I receive compliments, show me from the beginning exactly as they are, no trick, without the mask that suppresses the truth of things and that confuses people ahead. E 'Tuesday was really fun to know that boy of 35 years at the end of the evening. The boy himself has not made inroads in my heart, but certainly within a few minutes gave me a good dose of mood.
will be Venus in the sign? It must have been the cat's mask? The bow on the neck naked? The "length" of the skirt?! Perhaps the only real thing has been my desire to laugh, my smile, the desire to live improvised dance, be accompanied by people unlike me who knew the steps perfectly. It 'nice to have a choice, turn myself around and notice that they're invisible I noticed that someone, who wants to waste time to approach, to embark on a dance without the embarrassment of appearing ridiculous. For me it was so. I was on the track, his eyes lit up all those who watched with great ease danced to the tune of salsa and merengue. I was only there to watch, just me, I was already having fun. But then I was invited, and ... I said: "... but Siiiii!" I spent two hours dancing, I enjoyed as never before ... I had a sore leg muscles and a smile on his face throughout the evening. I even lost the people with whom I was ... I was at the center of the track and I had no intention of leaving until they came almost to myself. Bravissimo "first dancer", the second guy who invited me, what with whom I have danced ever more time and I call "first dancer" because of all was the best. Very nice doctor. Every now and then passing whispers in my ear congratulations with the wonderful cadence of Naples, only that was enough to make me smile. At the end of grueling dance for me, I told him: "Doctor I'm not feeling so well, I have shortness of breath and a strange weight in her chest ...", he said:" Miss you are too well ... " I understand that much depends on how I place myself. Can I give my best all the times that I would do my best. The wholesome entertainment, the availability, the joy of exchanging jokes, to laugh with the stranger as if I knew him for years, comes from that inner journey that continues unabated to proceed forward. And 'good laugh, especially when the laughter flows from a healthy joy, laughter is not to hide, to conceal a melancholy, but for the pleasure of feel alive among the people. It was a taste of a path that does not stop in the depths of each one of us, step by step, tear after tear, laugh after laugh. And then I'm happy to feel myself, to feel a person who has his time and respects them, that in no hurry to achieve goals more or less true, but who knows how to wait, although sometimes it would feel similar to the sclera others. To all those who use shortcuts that launch themselves in situations without dissolving the previous nodes, which is let go and yet they have not solved anything.
thank and salute all the guys with discretion, as I like, made me feel special for a night. Back home with the ingenuity of a child, I thought I did ... who knows
In the bed, a few minutes staring at the stars and just sleep.

Some time ago, a special person in my life one day looking into my eyes told me: "You're fantastic, you're just difficult to manage ..." How I laughed when I told her point of view. As is my usual, I asked questions about the second part of the sentence. Freedom, independence, madness, intelligence, sensitivity, and that is good today and I quote only the quality, I do not have to account to anyone and indeed, alongside all the defects sung a thousand times, reaffirmed in action two thousand times.

At times I wonder if we really grow in life. Despite myself, I can always provide an answer to this question. There is certainly chronological age that makes you an adult, that regardless of personal perceptions, he introduces you or throws you into the world of adults. Suffice it to say that the law becomes a social entity, with the coming of age, precisely the age of eighteen.
When advanced in years, the main risk is to assume the status of your adult. Do you think the six points just because you have 27, 31, 38 ...
But then you find yourself to act, to think, just like when I was 20 years old, 22, 25 ...! Questioning the act is always more difficult than it needs to be done. Disprove our theories developed, the basis on which we strengthened our status as adults, is an extremely difficult and almost always do not do it by choice, but because they are forced by the vicissitudes of life. Changing course, be subversive of the way we do, disrupting the coherence and coherent understanding that is not the one who walks down the same road, but who knows when to change it ... Not everyone.
A thousand times I heard phrases like: "I have always acted that way ..." There have been times when I wanted to convince myself of the truth of those sentences. "I am so and then I act like that." It seemed to me a phrase of effect, striking, which conveys a certain degree of security, leading to almost an act of authority.
not remember, but if I have spoken, I never really felt mine. I am the evolution of thought. I change my mind every five minutes and even if I do go crazy over the world, I prefer the constant struggle with my alleged certainties. If you have ever return and just to give me a stronger impetus, such as a jump take a run to get a boost more effective, so that moving your feet on the ground can fly higher. Having certainty is important, but its values \u200b\u200bis that we must not entrench on individual opinions. When you
values \u200b\u200btight, do not live with the consent of others, does not depend from the gratification that you get from people.
That's why for me it was good to deny even the compliments ricevuti. Non era un atteggiamento di falsa modestia il mio, anzi, ma il piacere di mostrarmi in tutto per come sono, vera sempre, anche nell'apparenza. Dire ad un uomo:" guarda che ti sbagli sono così per il trucco che porto", é un modo, se pur bizzarro, di comunicare la reale consapevolezza che si ha di se stessi e se l'altro ti smentisce ben venga. Ciò che più conta é non perdere il contatto veritiero con il proprio essere. Conoscere se stessi per ciò che si é e non per quanto senti raccontare dagli altri. Le persone non vanno usate per sentirci gratificati. Tutto al più vanno ascoltate, perché magari possono ampliare gli orizzonti del nostro pensiero. Tutti possono darci qualcosa di interessante, anche se completamente diverso da ciò che abbiamo noi da offrire. Ascoltare significa rispettare chi ci sta davanti, mentre ottenere dall'interlocutore ciò che ci fa comodo, la frase di cui abbiamo bisogno, l'apprezzamento, beh non é tanto rispettoso. In fondo ascoltiamo noi stessi, solo noi stessi. L'altro é un po' uno specchio di quello che abbiamo in corpo e che desideriamo ricevere dall'esterno.

Dopo una serata, dieci o cento serate passate così, la cosa che più conta é non dimenticare di guardare alla vita per ciò che essa é.
Essa infatti non é solo risate e balli al ritmo di salsa e merengue, concedersi momenti simili é più che giusto. Fondamentale però é continuare ad affrontare anche le cose che meno ci piacciono. Quelle stesse cose che se potessimo, se ne avessimo la facoltà elimineremmo dalla nostra vita. E'l'insieme che fa la differenza, che ci fa considerare quanto viviamo Vita...

Buona domenica a tutti!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Catch Cold Sore Throat During Pms

The intruder

Salgo sul bus semivuoto e mi parcheggio nel box per passeggini stranamente libero. Chissà com'è che oggi non c'è nessuna pakistana con la sua ventina di marmocchi dappresso in braccio, marsupi, culle, box e attaccati alle gambe. Mi appoggio alla parete del mezzo pubblico e continuo a digitare il mio impegnativo sms che sta assorbendo tutta la mia attenzione... ma dove cavolo sono le faccine preimpostate su questo cellulare?!? Devo solo fare :_( mica chissa che...
Pochi secondi e alla mia destra sento del fermento, poi del trambusto (si potrà definire TRAMbusto anche se ero su un autobus? boh...) , gente che si sposta e un tizio che sibila "Afangùlo!".
Smetto di digitare messaggino the Maghreb and I see this guy who changes the place and in doing so (possible?!?) looks at me with the hatred reserved for Calderoli wearing a t-shirt with the cartoons of Mohammed. I am petrified, I was never looked so hostile and began to blush without being able to avoid. Seeking to understand, to get to because of this his reaction that has taken him from sitting to my right to a seat in front and two feet away, but apart from a probable allergy iceberg I'm wearing, I do not Nothing comes to mind.
Then I notice that when he sat down, staring at me and his eyes became soft, seductive and warm. Si accarezza la pancia tonica e piatta, una volta o due si umetta le labbra e gioca posture da figo che deve aver visto su qualche rivista di moda. Il mio rossore si imporpora sempre più, sono a disagio.
Per fortuna dopo pochi secondi capisco: accanto a me una Barbie dell'est sui 19 anni, zoccola come una romagnola riesce a essere solo a 25, è l'oggetto del suo desiderio nordafricano. Quando sono salito sul bus con la testa fra le nuvole e il mio sms, mi sono frapposto senza volere tra i due e ho suscitato così la sua ira di bullo conquistatore in azione.
Poi però ho passato ore a pensare a questa cosa: a quante volte, muovendoci fra gli altri, rischiamo di essere elefanti incoscienti nelle another crystal. A hindered when there is an exchange of glances keen, the opportunity to be in the middle of an electrical network of the passions that do not concern us, without knowing, at the risk of causing a blackout for the others. At all times I can be considered an undue interference just because I put the balls in half, hated and sfanculato in thought or words whispered just poisonous.
Maybe they are over-sensitive, but I feel guilty for every key that I unknowingly sent to fuck off.

Type Of Shades Sarah Connor

What do

Ciò che prevedevamo capitasse per il nostro territorio,si sta piano piano avverando. La miniera d'oro mette a disposizione il proprio suolo ai violentatori e ai violenti perchè si distrugga quel poco di ambiente che è rimasto.
E' bastato che qualcuno dei (violenti),che oggi sono tanti,dichiarasse che la parte nord di questo territorio è deserta e che una buona di dose di cemento le avrebbe fatto un gran bene ed ecco incominciate le opzioni e i progetti che i vampiri del mattone sotto sotto congettano.
Distruggeranno e scempieranno un "Habitat" dichiarando con grande superbia che questi sono posti di lavoro che questa  è una ricchezza sociale che il cemento colerà come oro nelle tasche di tutti come nella vecchia America and its gold seekers!.
In truth, this will mark the conflict of interest policy that personale.Credo If so, we should try to invent a hero in our laboratory of mind that looks like a "Spider Man" that has the force of a robot that can transform sometimes as a machine that is able to demolish the ruin and shame.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Best Friends Picnik Quotes

Day Women # 92

A special greeting to special women. A
Elisabetta Gregoraci which embodies the fairytale of Cinderella quell'arrivista showing that female is alive and kicking more than ever Paraculo. A
Want to Marchi and Stefania Nobile, who have always wanted to put a little 'salt in their and others' lives. What to take away the evil eye. A
Silvia Toffanin, always sitting on his fortune and his only talent and towards which moves me more human compassion that critical sour. At
parricide, the teachers abusive and violent restraint of children in the school walls.
Women castrating in the name of feminism olders, the power of the Northern League, alla Santanchè, alla Carfagna, e alla Bindi. Alle lettrici di Chi mentre sono dal parrucchiere, che devastano le loro teste dentro e fuori. A Barbara D'Urso, che si allena in tv in attesa che idiozia e volgarità siano dichiarate specialità olimpioniche e vincerne l'oro.
Alle beghine cattoliche integraliste, a Noemi Letizia, a sua mamma e Ruby.
A tutte le olgettine, le grazioline, le romanine e le veline di ieri, oggi e dei secoli nei secoli, alle suore di clausura e alle vigilesse stronze sempre il triplo dei colleghi maschi.
Ai mostri di sesso femminile che oggi non esiteranno a mescolarsi in mezzo alle donne vere per essere omaggiate.
A tutte voi, io faccio il mio più sentito augurio: inculatevi you and your March 8 of shit!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Much My Jet Ski Worth

Reportage Monday

Annotto cast memories and fragments of the weekend, now in office, I like the pressed pomace brandy. That odious leaders when clip the wings of the artistic side of their employees, do not you?

Friday, now as many nights now, dinner with Pablo, who gives us a hand with the English translations of the pages of the fledgling site. No one knows better than him to translate phrases like "Slayer anal double drive and controller sfrenulamento. Fucks out of the shower as long as lukewarm. Keep out of reach of children. It works with 16 batteries not included.." When one is good at languages \u200b\u200bhas some great advantages and many doors open. And then being used by me as a disadvantage ... Next time we think twice before going to study. Complaint until I personally do not use idiomatic too high or some other similar crimes invented, I continue to use its services.

Saturday, noon to production of a comic book. Someone I know had something. I'm pretty sure of this. I say this because after the second glass of red wine on an empty stomach it was hard to be oriented space-time. I remember only a trapeze hanging from the ceiling, the wine falls into the earth and shoes, two tizie che disegnavano su un muro e tanta, tantissima piscia che mi implorava di venire al mondo. Dopo una bella e barcollante passeggiata al fresco, mi sono ripreso e il resto della serata l'ho passato col moroso che mi ha fatto una bella sorpresa: per la prima volta mi ha portato a mangiare sushi in un posto aperto da poco. Dopo essermi sincerato che non ci fosse solo pesce crudo dato che non sono una otaria, mi sono lasciato condurre in questo bel posticino pieno di altri parrocchiani e gente alternativa. C'era il nastro trasportatore come all'aeroporto, solo molto più piccolo, e ti passavano sotto il naso centinaia di ciotoline con assaggini di qualunque cosa: baccalà fritto, involtini, carne allo spiedo, gamberetti con verdure saltate e centinaia di altre courses. No sewer rats in the oven, however, that the Japanese say they are different from Chinese. Yeah ... I still have to figure out how to distinguish them. At one point he was about to come to me an epileptic seizure in fury to fix those fucking bowls traveling ... To the cry of "Better be envied than pity!", We filled up like ducks for foie gras and eventually we counted 22 to 23 bowls for me and Marco. But next time arrival better trained.

Sunday, has been the fatigue, indigestion will have been Japanese, the fact is that I woke up at noon. Missed the appointment with the gym, let's not lose another point in the program: sauna. Let's say you work for this cost us less trouble ...
Day so-so, but so many people as medium-low. And then it looked like the "Gathering of Passive DOCG Po" there was one, say one m'avesse touched her bottom with a pat, a handful dead, a fingerprint distracted ... nothing! All I had stuck in front of us. What I mean, at least give me the opportunity to move a hand on my side and say a B "No, thank you! Maybe next time, eh?" that does so much good for my self-esteem. Instead, nothing, zero interest. Except for one that looked too perfect synthesis of Tony Blair, and Mr. Bean Margaret Thatcher. Oh no, definitely the British style is not for me. However, if this continues, then I refrain from killing me at the gym exercises for your buttocks. Just know this, and one adapts.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Adobe Digital Editions Windows Mobile

Friday, March 4, 2011

White Stuff In Eyes Puss


Ora mi sento così...
Intorno a me tutto é fragile ma anche bellissimo.
E'come osservare il mondo attraverso una lacrima. Un attimo prima che scivoli lungo gli zigomi, quando gli occhi ne sono pieni, ogni cosa appare morbida e dai contorni sfumati. E' come stare su una enorme caramella, una di quelle gommose...
Ti lasci cadere insieme con le lacrime e finisci per poggiarti su something infinitely sweet as life itself.

crystal clear.
"I can feel, to perceive the air, now I can understand you. In the silence of my heart now I can understand you."
Fragile as crystal.
"I need this clarity is not interrupted, not now that I've worked so hard to get, so I stay away."

I did not stop, I'm just waiting for an end to the storm. Are along the roadside, are the arcades of a building, as well as the building along the street, the rain is pounding ... Sooner or later it will stop raining because "nothing is forever."
Among the seats of a cinema in the darkness of the hall is nice to feel own heart. Understand that every single beat is real and it was sincere. Almost slipping from the chair, you're crouched, surrounded by a sense of peace that no one can give you if not yourself. The future is scary, but now you do not want to think about it and escape the thought that what could be better than this? Why spoil the peace of this moment with the prospect of something that is not there? The lights of the film reassure you and you feel as safe as the walls of your room.
now among the desks of the classroom, another person, yet another woman. Meet your fate this time head on. Even there, you feel your heart and let loose the eyes of others. Forget the world and think about the heart that says, "you serene, if not today tomorrow .. entrusted. "
You're up and you have many thoughts passed through my head, ready to be discouraged. There is always a part within ourselves that is ready to remarci against. But this time you decided not to listen. You closed the door of the criticisms and have continued to take the morning with the curiosity to find out your day. You have opened the door of the house, have welcomed the first rays of sun with a smile, a smile that you owe it to yourself. Before leaving for a fleeting moment you observed your eyes in the mirror, you discovered the delicate look of a child. Perhaps you owe a lot to clasp gold you have in your hair and you've decided to wear to feel different a small detail to please. Today, despite the freshest faces, no small trick to make you look older than your inside you feel a force that pushes you forward. Go down the road and lay down the hillside eating the factories to make cement. The look and sound like beautiful, ridiculous that thought makes you smile even laugh to the point that you feel stupid while driving. But what harm is there if you laugh, if you feel happy with nothing in particular happened? After all what could be more true of those moments? Happiness is sincere when unprovoked, when you're born in the heart like a song, like love, like a flower, like a laugh for something ridiculous. Sent
walk along the road, every now and try to make room inside you a voice that wants you to come back, but you press it back on the volume of your stereo and sing along to the music of the moment, even inventing words and melodies.

Fragile as crystal.
Everything can be reinforced as well as everything at this time can hurt you.
flaked as crystal.
In any hidden coves are your property, those qualities that allow you to be who you are.

When you enter the door of the classroom, appears before you a new situation. A situation to be faced with the same curiosity with which you left the house. You cross a few moments to look for another woman. Clear eyes, blonde hair like yours, but shorter. In her see what you'd wanted to be. You recognize this. And even if you know nothing of his life, remains fascinated by him. When you stop the delicacy of the moment, focused back on yourself. You are lost in the folds of your skirts and once again plays the voice of your heart that encourages you remembering what you are, something different, something that perhaps would not have imagined, but which is not a "less" than anyone.
You feel at peace ...

Dura as crystal.
Severa, stubborn, ready to hide your fears. Precious
as crystal.
Your uniqueness is such because every life has something special that goes beyond any kind of material perception.

you discover yet another woman in a shoe store. The lure of committed, most likely aimed at the sale, you're not interested in having fun and investigate his malice. Between the embarrassment and get the pleasure of a compliment. Do you feel in that situation delicate, carefree, happy, new ...

... as crystal ...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cream Gatefold Invitation Michals

The wardrobe and older

The cabinet is a 33 year old's closet a chrysalis, provided that the butterflies and other lepidoptera have time to take it in during one of their short lives. There are so many inside
waste of memories, textile fragments and mixtures of styles that, to look behind those doors wood, s'ha a vague idea of \u200b\u200binfinite pieces of the puzzle that is what you has been and what you aspire to become.
A metamorphosis in progress, still remaining unlikely t-shirt tamarri written by the big and aggressive colors, vests we were better off five years ago, trousers that worked to grab a casino before mettissimo bacon on that which makes us "as sexy "as it continues to say her boyfriend or lover in question.
pieces of personal history, strictly in size M, which suggest memories of shopping we were thrilled, heads a long-desired and special occasions we have been waiting to wear them or, if it went really well that night there, to let slowly fall to the floor.
In 33 years you decide to hold a maximum of two caps, you have to donate the shirts to the most needy do not place more than two years and they're only there to gather dust and crush the current ones, you have to go to brothers and cousins small sleeveless those that at their age, just the day before yesterday, I attracted him looks of appreciation. And yes, you definitely need more shirts, long sleeve polo more comfortable sweaters and maybe even some corduroy trousers . Not too pale shades maybe you can wait for those 20 years, Vivaz!
You must agree to be older. And that you also delayed for a decade to admit ...
Yet there are clothes that are relics, which are sewn on him even when we put them would be to detach and separate from the skin splits too fresh bleeding insured. And who the fuck makes us suffer so much to do in the end?
Yes it is true, we need more space in the cupboard too small and always packed ... packed but separated by some leaders do not create space, is just empty. Vacuum for moths.
And I'd rather hold it any trophy of my youth, back to wear it maybe once a year as I do in Sleeveless Night that I organize with my friend Gio 'and go around making fools as ever.
If you see two crazy clothes too tight and terribly out of fashion, look at them on their faces if they are happy like children, we are. If Joan Collins
, tell her that there is a limit to everything ...

Monday, February 28, 2011

Recurring Blisters In The Exact Same Spot

What Is The Substitute For Rapadura Or Sucanat

Reportage Monday # 91 (controcazzi edition)

A bit 'to recover from the past weekend, a little' just because c'avevo much stuff to do, I just finished an intense weekend and I'm so happy. I did not miss anything. Manco candida. And with this nice little friend, go up to 3 venereal disease that I caught during their lifetime. I would also just ...

Friday , read my personal marathon at the stove: the guests of honor 3 friends I had not seen for some time and with whom I had a lot of chatter back. The problem is that we had them too ... and have not even taken down my third attempt to take away plates, cutlery and relish from under the nose. Do not tell me I'm a bad landlord, had just spent two and I had a boyfriend that I had fallen asleep, tired and exhausted in his chair, with the bubbles from his nose. How do you make it clear to guests that the last good things right and that you want a good soul but some have to go home? Write a post in the hope that it helps read do you think? :)

Saturday, with the usual gang will go to the theater to see the musical The Rocky Horror Picture Show . Now I know that sometimes are as ignorant as a goat decerebration but I did not know of this one stone, I've never seen the movie ... I knew what I know the private life of Marrazzo, who was half of a transvestite, and died there. Well, I will tell you that, after the shock of coming to know that Balboa had nothing to do, it was a great discovery and I enjoyed it a lot and a bag! Sbevutazza the pub with nice greasy french fries to follow, because the harmful things should be kept always two at a time. Back home, I lose another virginity: in a vending machine I bought my first pint of fresh milk on tap. I was not impressed, the smell of damp straw and beast, and it tastes strange ... UHT, I love you!

Sunday, thanks to the rain, then snow, then rain again, I have stayed at home reading "Thirty years and a chat with Dad." I'm already on page 10, and my endurance has reached its limit. I do not know how am I going to pay two thousand six other pages of Tiziano Ferro complaining about how much you try to sit alone in locked rooms in 5 star hotels around the world ... I hope soon change register, otherwise the nausea I throw all his CD! I have taken well to study English in a while 'I start the course and I have to remove a bit' of cobwebs and dust from my language skills. Afternoon to review the site, watching a movie and then cuddling on the bed, then do talk with Lallaquasifidanzata and finally CallmePablo then had stopped to enjoy my carbonara, stuff that I asked Sora Lella the recipe one day and the other as well.
From tonight it's back to the gym to try to dispose of a tenth of what they swallow.
and August is just around the corner, how the hell will I do?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

North Face Denali Breast Cancer 2010

you did not!

For days you've been huddled in a corner, waiting, listening, hoping it reached something.
you hoped to hear, to perceive beyond the wall of sound.
But nothing has happened.
You can not do without to think that everything happens when it no longer makes sense.
any response will come when you are not interested to do anything and you do because now it will not matter.
At most, what they will draw will be a feeling of satisfaction, knowing that what I felt really happened.
's dark and nobody can see you.
's dark and no one remembers you.
There is a big party down in the country, but no one notices your absence.
"There is nothing wrong with that" you repeat in, but in time your heart explodes and you do not know how to reassemble it.
"Pride covers all sins", you remember those words spoken by someone on television, not good if you know a movie or some broadcast on Sunday, I appreciate the truth.
Behind the curtains of your room look at the snow coming down, everything is wrapped in a stuffy white is like having a lot of padding in the throat.
think again: "... sad." The thought is interrupted even in your head, you cry, because it is incomplete as you remember those words perfectly.
remember perfectly the truth of those words ... How many words that kept
ignite, because nobody knows, nobody come into your life and to commiserate and to condemn.
Why not pass that feeling in his hands, since you were little more than a child you can not explain it. Of course you know you feel guilty for this as well. The hands, your hands, which when you cry? They feel?
Logs, small notebooks and diaries full of everything and full of nothing ...
Between the lines, sometimes we read a hope, some dream. How many times in those stories you were giving a tone, to appear different even to yourself.
How many times have you heard that others did the portrait of you, his eyes hidden by your knees. How many times have you wishing there was a fund of truth in those speeches, he hoped, as it already and hope also that it was useless, useless.
for a while 'really learned how to be different ... do you remember?
mask that was a beautiful, almost perfect, so that even the notte riuscivi a toglierla via dal volto.
Tra poco ci sarà una gita. Già, una gita hanno invitato pure te, che fai non vai?
Sai perché ti hanno invitato? Certo che lo sai. Così qualche battuta per declinare l'invito, un sorriso e poi il silenzio.
Ancora affiorano i ricordi...fuori al bar con qualche amico. Ti concentrasti su quei due estranei seduti al tavolo, te lo ricordi? Che pensasti? Gli altri non notarono il tuo sguardo e continuarono a parlare tra di loro.
"... con te é diverso", anche quella frase ti venne in mente. Subito capisti che nessun legame é paragonabile a un legame di sangue. Tu resti comunque una estranea. Ricordi?
Anche allora ti si gelò il sangue nelle vene, anche fuori that bar, despite the past, but you controllasti not give it to you left and see a smile on your face, like a grimace.
All they tell you things you think are not absolute, there is no absolute truth. But why should things suddenly you know you crush anyone explain. None really, because of flood of words you have heard of improvised psychologists and how.
Remember that bed? You were sitting with your knees bent and what happened to time over the walls?
Did the tremor in his hands, but did not say anything, I checked, he thinks a bit ', they did so.
Once, you did a great act of courage. You opened the doors of your room in half unknown. The said: "Join." If your madre avesse saputo lo stato in cui era ridotta quella camera, di certo te l'avrebbe impedito. Gli facevi strada, gli sorridevi ed eri serena. Era il giorno in cui decidesti di indossare la maschera, ma senza esserne consapevole. Ti parve di fare un gesto di grande fiducia verso il prossimo. Difatti non permettevi neppure ai tuoi di entrare nella tua camera e quel giorno il tuo spazio era un totale caos, ci voleva coraggio. Era un modo per dire:" vuoi conoscermi? ecco io sono così! Quello che vedi é parte di me." La tua stanza é sempre stata lo specchio di quanto avevi dentro. Avevi detto la verità in quel momento.
A distanza di anni, mi chiedo se in fondo ti penti di quel gesto o se invece ne vai fiera. Se ti conosco un po', so che non wouldst give me an answer that exclude the other. It would be a little bit and a bit '. As a child, when things were not going as you wanted, you made a fuss, you desperate and no one could calm down. Spend a few hours in closed room. We used to pretend nothing in the kitchen, but we wondered if it was just left alone. When some of us tried to come closer, you barked ... !
What were you doing alone? He always had a sheet over his face, wet with tears, clenched fists and a lot of anger. Not much has changed you? Yet I know that you feel guilty for being so, because now the door to your room, never open to anyone, does not allow anyone to enter. Sometimes you feel strong and as you walk down the street, you say in the head: "What do others know about me?" Feel a sense of security, the barriers are not simply pull up the walls, but defenses, to prevent losing yourself. Give up the world to be different and I think you know this very well. Then there was that day when you felt really change. Inchinasti his head, wanting to use a metaphor, you joined the church. People would listen to talk, maybe even too much for your liking and you understood that the fault was in you. It was a discovery for you. You have lived a good part of your life always feel a sense of guilt for the most trivial things. You felt relieved to feel human, like anyone else. You seemed a way to share, to start over again. You were enthusiastic, but at the beginning, was not good to show others. Do not tap even when his hands and sang throughout the Mass, had pasted a smile, almost a laugh, because you were ashamed, it was something so different from you, away from your way of being. Until then you have not started to believe in what they were doing.
Until there's a new day, this day, where your face is still covered with a sheet, the mirrors are the features that make running the house, because you do not want to see you, do not want to forgive you. You have a sense of guilt again, but deeper. You wonder how it is possible that all those words, that listening, that walking is not enough. How is it possible that there is no tiny step forward. Why, in your case, not enough credit for getting?! Your faith has become thinner than the sole of a sandal from the sea. Your usual truth confirmed, as is mean to recognize it, you did not know that infuses even denied this time. Do not have made it!
What's left are memories. The parts of your life when you seemed to have it all. Enough smiles, racing, cycling, sun, to make you feel good. A feeling of wellbeing that you've never been able to communicate to others and you felt someone die when you said gravely: "What are you sad today?" It becomes at that moment ... sad and more angry! Remember
gli abbracci che credevi durare per sempre, piccola scema. La complicità e le risate che sembravano farti morire. Ricorderai le stelle rifugio di ogni notte, contenitore dei tuoi pensieri prima di chiudere gli occhi... Quante volte hai sognato di raggiungere le stelle, ti ricordi?! E con quel pensiero prendevi sonno.
L'altalena, la tua giostra preferita. Ti sentivi libera quando ci andavi... volavi sempre più in alto e respiravi manco fossi in cima alle montagne. Il mare, quanta paura che ti faceva, ricordi?
La mano di tua madre, tutte le volte in cui stando male l'hai stretta e ti sembrava che il dolore fosse sparito. Ricorderai le notti passate sveglia per la gioia, la gioia... Non dimenticherai mai l'estate! Ricorderai il bagnetto as a child, the test under water in the bathtub to beat your brother, the foam in the eyes and the anguish of not resisting enough. Remember the early days of school, when he was a party, racing in the bathroom to wash his hands while he smoked pot of pasta at the table. You remember the struggles on the bed with your brother, your friends with the people you loved. Remember the
down in the park on summer evenings, the adrenaline when playing hide and seek, if you ended up under the first count, you ended up there more cops-robbers! With the eyes of a child, you seemed huge park in the dark of night. Do you remember school trips, those with friends in the days of Easter, May 1, when it was enough few miles away to feel truly free. Remember always come home dirty ground, the hair washing shampoo and the scent of vanilla and then again outside with their friends, a pair of jeans, a shirt with short sleeves in summer make.
The sea off season, walking barefoot with jeans in the know. You remember that night in St. Benedetto del Tronto, when you removed your shoes and you started running towards the shore shouting, just for the pleasure of hearing the water. Remember the sketches? And the laughter? You remember the games with the waves when you should not give way to the sea ... When you reflected in the moon, that moment when you thought it was just you and no one could touch. Think back to the morning in front of funny the mirror, the laughter that you were alone in thinking that you imagined you could do to those who only ... Remember all the times you've been given confidence and above all trust. Remember the pleasure of sleep soon after a race ... Remember the weariness of an evening full of laughter. Remember
scents, salt, spring flowers, the earth soaked by rain and air of Christmas ... I wake up all together in one giant bed ...

Now excuse me I gotta go, I tell my friend that "it's cool to be sad !"...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Braums Fruit And Yogurt Swirl Nutrition


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Play Runescape School

Serving a review of Monday

from that review, I know writing a mica ... At best, drapery valance en my impressions on a novel I bulimic swallowed in two days is called Serving Miguel Bosé, is Sciltian Gastaldi (who already knew the story in the collection for Men on Men and another of his great novel, Angels from one wing only) and is published by Fazi editions.
In short, the story is this: A boy grows in the capital by coming to terms with his metrosexual, its unique family and her nurse of choice: the cathode ray tube. Among hundreds of adventures that lead him, among other things, on a school trip to Bologna, to race in front of bulls of Pamplona and an unusual dinner in Oslo, we see him grow and become a man aware.
Now my opinion. If you decide to buy the book and for your bad luck you were born between the 70s and 80s, get ready for the worst: once you start a session seems extreme Tagada, do not stop until you vomit. The book is packaged in a very short chapters, about a couple of pages, which have the effect of the most famous cherry and it is almost impossible to stop just because the most important tasks like eating and make love to draw our attention (by the way Skiing ', my boyfriend thanks you very much for dinner and skipped coitus ...). In a whirlwind of writing and agile reminiscent suggestioni, veniamo accompagnati nelle varie tappe della crescita sentimentale del protagonista attraverso un percorso che ci accorgiamo essere maledettamente anche nostro. E a quel punto siamo fregati. L'ipnosi della rievocazione di Candy Candy, Jimmy Sommerville, il vecchio Cassero, Sophie Marceau, Laguna Blu e tutto il campionario delle icone di quegli anni, conquista e strega.
Mi sono ritrovato a ridere senza accorgermi, a incazzarmi senza volere e alla fine a commuovermi senza poterci far nulla.
Consigliaterrimo, pur con tutte le avvertenze sulla possibile overdose...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Tech Deck Birthday Partires

fluke, feigned love, short heels, nothing real, substantial

I'm sorry for everything.
I'm sorry for how things went.
I'm sorry because I managed to avoid it.
I'm sorry for what I felt.
I'm sorry for the pain I caused.
I'm sorry for the combination of words unsaid.
I'm sorry for what they are.
I'm sorry for all the things I failed to say.
I'm sorry for everything that I can never say.
I'm sorry for the disappointment that I gave.
I'm sorry for the wall there.
I'm sorry for the fear I feel.
I'm sorry for the hate that I have. I'm sorry because I
I'm sorry because no one can capirimi.
I'm sorry because some people is more a victim of me.
I'm sorry if I talk because I would be bad even if the best move propositi.
Mi dispiace di aver perso molto.
Mi dispiace per aver visto.
Mi dispiace per aver sentito.
Mi dispiace per aver svelato.

"Fuoco di paglia, finto amore, breve sbandata, nulla di reale, di consistente."

Mi dispiace aver dovuto realizzare che é stato così.
Mi dispiace sentirlo dire dagli altri.
Mi dispiace quando volete aprirmi gli occhi.
Mi dispiace avere gli occhi aperti.
Mi dispiace non aver avuto valore, né peso.
Mi dispiace parlare con il muro.
Mi dispiace fare i discorsi da sola.
Mi dispiace trattenere il pianto.
Mi dispiace sfogarmi nella notte, quanto tutto tace.

Mi dispiace fare silenzio.
Mi dispiace fingere.
Mi dispiace sorridere quando non ho voglia.

"Fuoco di paglia, finto amore, breve sbandata, nulla di reale, di consistente."

Ho capito ma non ditemelo più.
Fa male, la ferita si riapre e brucia.
Vi prego non ripetetemelo più.
Fa male, il tempo passa, il dolore si sente.
Avevate ragione voi.
Non ditemelo più.
Per favore.

Mi dispiace non averlo capito.
Mi dispiace aver avuto fiducia.
Mi dispiace essere sola.

"Fuoco di paglia, finto amore, breve sbandata, nulla di reale, di consistente."

Ma voi che ne sapete?
Ho dovuto cancellare parole pesanti dalla memory, there are successful have been there. Error ... but what do you know?
What do you know what I have heard of me? How
swallow, how to feel, without saying ...
Error ...
Error ...
Error ...
I do not know anything.
I would just sink into and forget!

Learn To Suck Your Own Cock

Reportage # 90 (sad edition)

Reportage praticamente saltato per "weekend non pervenuto".
Sono rimasto rinchiuso home from Friday afternoon until this morning, except for two hours of air to go to the grocery store and gym.
bad thing when you wait for the weekend with anxiety and then depression and sadness become the only score on which to recline your notes. But anyhow ...
What do you do when you feel like a black mood cacchetta charred? Accommodate the sax that you exaggerate, you sit in and listen to the melody until you turn off or try to react, you put your hands over your ears and you take your ass elsewhere lalalala?
Unfortunately I think I belong to the first category: I'm pressed against the punch in the stomach and the rest suspended in a pause of life, under vuoto spinto.
Però mi masturbo. Praticamente non faccio altro... E qualcuno mi ha detto che finchè me lo meno non devo preoccuparmi di nulla: finchè è duro, non è dura.
Vabbè dai, statemi bene tutti quanti. Io ricomincio da qui.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Brunton Echo Riflescope

remember who we are ... ALWAYS! I do not stop

The Major Parts Of A Ship Labled


And sometimes comes the question ... The
doubt that you have made my late spurt away from me.
hate this feeling.

lost everything because of my time ...
Sometimes I feel like falling from a skyscraper ...
I fall back and all I see blur on the side, it becomes elusive because he is traveling too fast, yet am I'm falling.

reached the ground, I do not die but I wake up.
sitting on the bed that I breath heavily, look around and see my room, everything the same as the previous evening. The mirror opposite the bed allows me to see my eyes ... Calm returns, but I can not sleep anymore.

I get up, start the day and the battle against myself ...
A voice becomes more acute, "Do not give up!"

Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Make A Pikachu Hoodie

But why ...?

Ma perchè La Russa, pur conscio di essere fotografato e ripreso da decine di foto e videocamere, ha l'arroganza di dire che è stato Formigli a calpestarlo?

Ma perchè Lele Mora può invocare the intervention of a team of fascists to beat the Communists when there is an article of the Italian Constitution, which prohibits the return of the Blackshirts?

But why are those of the center-right by clearing (up to the extreme that this thing will lead to the culture of an entire country) the troiaggine speculation, ignorance, careerism, the double sided, saving the "I am a sinner and then? " license and the lie? But because the

Santanchè is at home to support political positions at odds with those of the recent past without having a crash intelligence that the silicone implants explode?

But because the grandson of Mubarak (the real one, not Ruby) can come to our country and stealing € 3000 to someone without that you can stop and arrest?

ps I do not want to read your answers but "but why ...?" in the comments if you like to share them with others.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Eastern Traildigger Frames

Monday, February 14, 2011

American Harvest Convection Perfection Co 200t

Report # 89 Monday

I spent the weekend by my alternating high-calorie food to utter boredom. Result: now the butt of a limp as Chairman of the Board and boring as one of his video messages.
The trip was very good: both outward and return a punctuality that seemed to travel with a Swiss company for a time.
Only one episode made me the hair stand on end like a tabby launched over the wall of a kennel. I try to make it but I know that I'll give you an effective idea ... On the train down in the
Terroniland rise in Rome two wonderful girls from physical statuary that come through to my compartment. They begin to speak in an Italian strascinatissimo where Neapolitan is lowered as the eggplant parmigiana in. From what I have to feel that I understand are Portsmouth and works as a clerk in an Armani boutique in central Rome. They are more stupid than a hot water bottle and I really wonder how can I select only certain people on dell'avvenenza basic physics. I mean, Armani himself and plastic surgery would prevent him from physically having to deal with customers to 'ste two idiots. Call them for convenience
S1 and S2 to distinguish from each other and make a fool clarity in the dialogue we see is that you carry:
S1: "Did you see the Schtamattina teleggiornale? They said that now is a date maggica but I did not understand why ... "
S2: "No, I did not t'arricuord vischto ... But Who have said, schcusa?"
S1: "Eeeeh, Sulo m'arricord maggica that is a date that happens once every hundred years and we have had the good fortune of having lived ..."
S2, "but if I do not Eeeeh schpieghi ie that capischc??"
S1: "Aschpe 'ja, mo' I'll do I say to my mom and clings to the number where the parent of so great masterpiece tells her that no, the news this lunchtime news had not repeated his .
S1: "Ma 'look but you look nun understand anything, but what the hell' you see him doing the news?!? NOT 'POSSIBLE THAT HAS NOT SAID! E' A NOTIZZZIA TOO IMPORTANT DAY OF TODAY, ALL ABOUT THE MINIMUM TELEGGIORNALI! " and throw down after the full horror magazine with her hysterical screams for something so tiny.
not give up and call the boy. This confirms the news that the stopgap in the morning for lunch but they have not just repeated that he (it happens! when you say god makes them and then pairing them ..) had seen that edition of its morning and remembers everything. Explains it to him for good, so that then can refer to his friend and then say goodbye.
S1: "Mo 'premium understood all things! Works like this: because it is a date maggica law in all directions, up and down, round trip, you head'?"
S2: "No!"
S1: "Then '... if you schcrivi date 11.2.11 is the same even if the laws upside down,' and heads'???"
S2: "aaaaah! E '' or else '!"
S1: "But one thing ... I was pensanno the news of the morning I look at them ever ever. If until now the news accussi have never given in January to say that this thing never happens. Then in February is what makes the difference? "
S2:" Eh SSI, we see that every day in February are maggici so .. "
followed 60 seconds of silence to say the least, unrealistic and embarrassing to me now that I have a hernia the effort of not shouting at them the futility of their lives.
S1: "Absolutely not ... because if you think about 12.2.11 do not read the same in all directions ... Affixed to the news had said that every hundred years is such a thing ... "
S2": "You have too much reason, then no ... We're just fortunate that the next day we maggico mica us we are ... "
I hope not because the next day, as they understood it in a month and maybe the first crack for the intellectual effort they have made.
But because the boy is the girl of his worthy companion, not even he understood a shit: the date palindrome was intended for its extended version, ie 11.02.2011. Only in this version is a rarity and not that they intended to vaiasse mutilated in which a figure for the month adapt it to their understanding.
Poor Italy. And these voters like me ... PS sorry

pedantic outburst in the final post, but I kept in the explanation for the whole weekend and if not thrown out burst! !

Whitening White Spots

Greetings to all!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Dos A Pireod Look Like??

be true?

If I can not explain something does not mean that it does not exist ... So even
if I find odd, although I can not deny that we do not find anything "normal" in those words, I can not exclude the truth of them.
I foolishly asked: "Is it really so obvious what I went through?"
The trick, just washed her hair down, my favorite shirt, the pin on the left side with wool roses, earrings and pendants, special gift for a dear friend, are not enough to hide, just hide, what I bring in?
As we think, understand that even if the expression of my eyes had been particularly common, much would depend on the sensitivity, talent in the snatch, but merely to observe, of those who stood before me.
Regardless, rather than dwell on the situation, the paradox of the same, I preferred to get the message, always convinced that nothing happens by chance.
Maybe someone wanted me to know.
I felt upset at that moment, I can not deny it, it was like to be naked for a few minutes in a square full of people.
I danced among the people instead, remained comfortably seated, I smile, I sipped sangria, I enjoyed the evening with people who were with me yesterday. Yet there who somehow received my battles, in spite of my smiles,'s efforts to move forward, despite my rhythmic steps. So once again inside of me I get confirmation that life is not is never alone, even before the eyes of a stranger.
I can not pretend, I can not believe in coincidences, in the "oddities", I can not believe that life is unpredictable in his wonderful little things ...
A little secret kept in my heart, was gutted and never for an instant confirmed. From the silence of my eyes was just caught.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Merilyn Sakova - Vacuum Cleaner

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sugar Glider Nest Cro

Let's keep in touch!

Some are born with talents, predispositions and curiosity and who's not.
technology has never been a sincere friend to me and many times we have had exchanges of views.
unconditional admiration I have towards those who are unable to install a webcam without error messages come out and watch the pace sure of his hands like watching a surgeon repairing a mitral valve and part of me is already in love lost in this geek hero. I will not tell when a guy was illegally unlocked cellular 3: I was excited like few times in my life and I really own it and threatened to attack him after having tied hands with the data cable.
Before you open your blog I had experienced only Yahoo messenger to express myself and again I wondered what he was doing a microwave over a cell phone (you know who put 4 in a radial pattern around the grains of corn make excellent popcorn , then?).
The other day I run into this list of social networks, which I hope to be exhaustive, and I was stunned. I mean, I knew I was Facebook and MySpace, that someone Twitta and Flickr and others that there are also those stuck in the Mesozoic technology that have a profile on Badoo, but really was no need to invent the whole 'this stuff?
this list I find it disturbing ... Schindler has saved a number of Jews less than that of sites to keep, do and get contacts!
But you will know these sites and these programs? If so, what those who use between personal profiles, IM, social networks and friends chatting? What benefit they derived?
I will stay to make the figure of the old aunt and sour but I prefer to keep my contacts to invite to my house for a tea with blueberries and two butter cookies.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Does The Color Bands Mean

B4a, attention to the false prophets

run in the city these days rumors of a possible future event organized by the Region on the issue of B4a. Beware of false prophets, the problem should resolve the politicians who have pledged to do so, and if they fail there are vie legali che stiamo già perseguendo. Altro che manifestazioni che alla fine hanno solo lo scopo di fare propaganda”.
A parlare è Mario Russo D’Auria, presidente dell’associazione Progetto Futuro, che interviene sul tema caldo dei B4a. “Abbiamo da tempo intrapreso un’azione legale a tutela dei cittadini – spiega D’Auria – ma soprattutto abbiamo assistito fino ad oggi ad una serie di mancate risposte sia da parte dell’amministrazione comunale sia da parte di quella regionale. I cittadini sono costretti a pagare l’Ici con parametri alti che i propri terreni non hanno, o meglio che avrebbero se le pasttoie burocratiche e l’incapacità di certi amministratori non avesse creato il problema. Ora sono tutti al fianco dei cittadini, ma per fare che? Le proteste i cittadini le hanno già fatte, e nessun politico le ha portate avanti. Ora nuove proteste a che servono? Ai cittadini – conclude Russo D’Auria – servono soluzioni non ancora parole. Più che portare la gente   in piazza, i nostri politici la portassero negli stessi luoghi - cioè l'Expò di Fiumicino - dove tempo fa hanno preso degli impegni, e in quella sede diano risposte serie. Tutto il resto sono chiacchiere”.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Nadine Jansen Weight Gaining

"Even a man" ... Suddenly

"Girl I'll tell my men
you will use them when
are so fragile, fragile you
maneggiali carefully
made of crumbs, the crumbs that takes pride

on girl my six beautiful young
pay but you get everything you need to be strong, but strong

depend on you because you are
love the heat that will
the life you live.
a man can always have a soul
but do not believe that you will use to understand
a man can be especially sweet if the world now

remains the only one. Girl now you know my

man who want to take me and you. "

Brookstone Helicopter

Report # 88 Monday

Mommy how much stuff 'I'm weekend! I'll try to be as short as a Pippin.
not my course ...

Friday take leave from work, I have too many cocks me to do. But not in a figurative sense, just to be taken literally: it's first order of Dildo & co. now for my next sex shop. Three giant parcels packed with over 200 articles between chips vibrant, sexy cobs with the sketch, candles in the shape of peas, and casts of the originals with dicks controcoglioni of the most famous porn stars Rascal. Sorry but I'm excited to remember ... I recompose ... Afternoon spent in the entire inventory and organize all the confusion in categories and subcategories. One of the three packages had been opened and the order is gone a golden dildo of considerable size: the Bartolini magazzininiere there must be a fag with aesthetic sense, but certainly open-minded ... in retrospect. Dinner
all evil in the home of Pablo. Now I do not have to tell you what to do and 5 males sexy hot horny starter this spring, right? So do not go into details that accompanied the after dinner ...
Also because you know that talk of remedies for colds, warts and Buenos Aires where he is I think I would lose your esteem.

Saturday afternoon at the library gay Igor: presentation of the new book by Melissa P., Three . I understand spot that the title of the artistic work of the Sicilian wonder erotic refers only to the number of pages that compose it, so the intention to buy an autographed copy fades away. Then I do not spend not even 16 euro to buy the latest book of recipes Clerici attached with her boyfriend in South America, how do you spend for a work that has more text on the back cover to the pages?! ?
Then two things about the character: if the shoot as if we had signed Vuitton and, ok, that's sick of people commenting on the physical but I never saw a girl over four years of age so tiny. But that stuff for her pictures copertine dei libri mi sa che la mandano a Monte Palomar per farla immortalare dal telescopio astronomico.
Esilarante e terrificante assieme il momento delle domande del pubblico quando un pazzo ha rotto il ghiaccio chiedendole se ha qualcosa in contrario ai rapporti incestuosi tra fratello e sorella. "Gemelli però!" ha sparato il folle come se avesse l'asso della mania maniaca nella manica della manca (wow, so anche fare scioglilingua). La signorina P. ha risposto che no, non è sbagliato secondo lei. Si vede che i gemelli Peter hanno una nuova fan...
A sera ho già avuto crisi di astinenza da disco e son tornato sul luogo del delitto. Anche perchè, diciamocelo, dopo due settimane passate a fare l'aria di sufficienza to hear S & M Rihanna at home while her ass was moving by itself is not who has given great satisfaction.

Sunday morning to feed the soul and mind of relaxation, reading difficult (I read Odifreddi, not dicks!) And watching a pair of shorts in their original language. What then was the Italian is just one case eh, we do not take my acculturation to the value!
Question: But the short films are subtitled in Czech Braille? Even the jokes, but they are a volcano of creativity today!
afternoon in the sauna. Of course if they felt that there was an international conference of fools I also avoided. A guy whistled at a volume obsessively cruel to canine ears, then spilled a bucket of water on hot stones in the dry sauna and ran, leaving everyone to die in hell of Finland. Finally had tripped a boy why not if it was spinning when he fell and took him for a ride. Another withdrew me from the court only when I accompanied the fifth no thanks with an elbow that made him cry. Another has released the seminal fluid (not from the bird, not his, not one to judge only by the amount ...) throughout the dressing room and another hath been shaved all over his body clogging the drain shower with a mass of wiry Pelacci. Oh well that is a environment, particularly that of the sauna, but I am convinced more than ever an uncomfortable finding (I admit, I had written "truth" and I deleted to avoid offending anyone or otherwise as little as possible): Homosexuality is not a disease but too often conveys not just mental retardation. Honestly, I am increasingly convinced that the more gay mythological most beautiful, intelligent, sensitive, clean, nice and polite is as real as the talent Filippa Lagerback. I do not have the tools to determine the exact connections between cause and effect, I only know that in my view, we are being worse than the average heterosexual and mò well shoot me if you like. *** Dedicated to

Stefy and I know who I ... ;)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Example Of Wedding Message

a star!

I saw a shooting star ...
After one year, I could see again a ray of light coming down from heaven.
"Guys have you seen?! Did you see too? "
E 'was great.

I asked for a sign, I was there and suddenly I saw that star in the sky, a light, I had a few moments to realize that it really was a star ...

Friends say: "Come on Mari express the desire ..." I close my eyes, strong, strong and just let myself go a thought. When I open my eyes, staring at that piece of heaven, I would love to go back in time and enjoy that moment that I was caught unprepared. But in both my desire and flew up into the sky instead of the star ...
Throughout the evening, I felt joyful heart I thought: "I received a small signal ".
I came to thank, I could solo a sorridere perché la vita alle volte sa essere magica...