Friday, March 4, 2011

White Stuff In Eyes Puss


Ora mi sento così...
Intorno a me tutto é fragile ma anche bellissimo.
E'come osservare il mondo attraverso una lacrima. Un attimo prima che scivoli lungo gli zigomi, quando gli occhi ne sono pieni, ogni cosa appare morbida e dai contorni sfumati. E' come stare su una enorme caramella, una di quelle gommose...
Ti lasci cadere insieme con le lacrime e finisci per poggiarti su something infinitely sweet as life itself.

crystal clear.
"I can feel, to perceive the air, now I can understand you. In the silence of my heart now I can understand you."
Fragile as crystal.
"I need this clarity is not interrupted, not now that I've worked so hard to get, so I stay away."

I did not stop, I'm just waiting for an end to the storm. Are along the roadside, are the arcades of a building, as well as the building along the street, the rain is pounding ... Sooner or later it will stop raining because "nothing is forever."
Among the seats of a cinema in the darkness of the hall is nice to feel own heart. Understand that every single beat is real and it was sincere. Almost slipping from the chair, you're crouched, surrounded by a sense of peace that no one can give you if not yourself. The future is scary, but now you do not want to think about it and escape the thought that what could be better than this? Why spoil the peace of this moment with the prospect of something that is not there? The lights of the film reassure you and you feel as safe as the walls of your room.
now among the desks of the classroom, another person, yet another woman. Meet your fate this time head on. Even there, you feel your heart and let loose the eyes of others. Forget the world and think about the heart that says, "you serene, if not today tomorrow .. entrusted. "
You're up and you have many thoughts passed through my head, ready to be discouraged. There is always a part within ourselves that is ready to remarci against. But this time you decided not to listen. You closed the door of the criticisms and have continued to take the morning with the curiosity to find out your day. You have opened the door of the house, have welcomed the first rays of sun with a smile, a smile that you owe it to yourself. Before leaving for a fleeting moment you observed your eyes in the mirror, you discovered the delicate look of a child. Perhaps you owe a lot to clasp gold you have in your hair and you've decided to wear to feel different a small detail to please. Today, despite the freshest faces, no small trick to make you look older than your inside you feel a force that pushes you forward. Go down the road and lay down the hillside eating the factories to make cement. The look and sound like beautiful, ridiculous that thought makes you smile even laugh to the point that you feel stupid while driving. But what harm is there if you laugh, if you feel happy with nothing in particular happened? After all what could be more true of those moments? Happiness is sincere when unprovoked, when you're born in the heart like a song, like love, like a flower, like a laugh for something ridiculous. Sent
walk along the road, every now and try to make room inside you a voice that wants you to come back, but you press it back on the volume of your stereo and sing along to the music of the moment, even inventing words and melodies.

Fragile as crystal.
Everything can be reinforced as well as everything at this time can hurt you.
flaked as crystal.
In any hidden coves are your property, those qualities that allow you to be who you are.

When you enter the door of the classroom, appears before you a new situation. A situation to be faced with the same curiosity with which you left the house. You cross a few moments to look for another woman. Clear eyes, blonde hair like yours, but shorter. In her see what you'd wanted to be. You recognize this. And even if you know nothing of his life, remains fascinated by him. When you stop the delicacy of the moment, focused back on yourself. You are lost in the folds of your skirts and once again plays the voice of your heart that encourages you remembering what you are, something different, something that perhaps would not have imagined, but which is not a "less" than anyone.
You feel at peace ...

Dura as crystal.
Severa, stubborn, ready to hide your fears. Precious
as crystal.
Your uniqueness is such because every life has something special that goes beyond any kind of material perception.

you discover yet another woman in a shoe store. The lure of committed, most likely aimed at the sale, you're not interested in having fun and investigate his malice. Between the embarrassment and get the pleasure of a compliment. Do you feel in that situation delicate, carefree, happy, new ...

... as crystal ...


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