Thursday, February 24, 2011

Play Runescape School

Serving a review of Monday

from that review, I know writing a mica ... At best, drapery valance en my impressions on a novel I bulimic swallowed in two days is called Serving Miguel Bosé, is Sciltian Gastaldi (who already knew the story in the collection for Men on Men and another of his great novel, Angels from one wing only) and is published by Fazi editions.
In short, the story is this: A boy grows in the capital by coming to terms with his metrosexual, its unique family and her nurse of choice: the cathode ray tube. Among hundreds of adventures that lead him, among other things, on a school trip to Bologna, to race in front of bulls of Pamplona and an unusual dinner in Oslo, we see him grow and become a man aware.
Now my opinion. If you decide to buy the book and for your bad luck you were born between the 70s and 80s, get ready for the worst: once you start a session seems extreme Tagada, do not stop until you vomit. The book is packaged in a very short chapters, about a couple of pages, which have the effect of the most famous cherry and it is almost impossible to stop just because the most important tasks like eating and make love to draw our attention (by the way Skiing ', my boyfriend thanks you very much for dinner and skipped coitus ...). In a whirlwind of writing and agile reminiscent suggestioni, veniamo accompagnati nelle varie tappe della crescita sentimentale del protagonista attraverso un percorso che ci accorgiamo essere maledettamente anche nostro. E a quel punto siamo fregati. L'ipnosi della rievocazione di Candy Candy, Jimmy Sommerville, il vecchio Cassero, Sophie Marceau, Laguna Blu e tutto il campionario delle icone di quegli anni, conquista e strega.
Mi sono ritrovato a ridere senza accorgermi, a incazzarmi senza volere e alla fine a commuovermi senza poterci far nulla.
Consigliaterrimo, pur con tutte le avvertenze sulla possibile overdose...


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