It will be the 'horoscope?!
The horoscope was right ...
How many of you believe it? And those who firmly believe that they are all stupid? I belong to the second category of people, but I enjoy it very much. I do not deny that if it happens in a magazine in their hands consult the last pages, where there usually there is the prediction.
Obviously the only thing I am proud and I am sure is that my sign is the best.
are the sign of 'Aquarium ... and goes well, there is little to add, and to deny ... : P!
But let's get to the point.
In my Venus sign there ... the planet of love.
Well it seems that we are endowed with a special charisma these days, short enough to take a look sparks. I find that deep down it is so. It amuses me to notice it, I enjoy even pretend not to notice (hihihih!)
It 'nice to meet new people and especially nice to note that there is still the man who courted knows, who knows how to keep you entertained without being vulgar, you know keep company. It 'nice to hear myself, deny that I receive compliments, show me from the beginning exactly as they are, no trick, without the mask that suppresses the truth of things and that confuses people ahead. E 'Tuesday was really fun to know that boy of 35 years at the end of the evening. The boy himself has not made inroads in my heart, but certainly within a few minutes gave me a good dose of mood.
will be Venus in the sign? It must have been the cat's mask? The bow on the neck naked? The "length" of the skirt?! Perhaps the only real thing has been my desire to laugh, my smile, the desire to live improvised dance, be accompanied by people unlike me who knew the steps perfectly. It 'nice to have a choice, turn myself around and notice that they're invisible I noticed that someone, who wants to waste time to approach, to embark on a dance without the embarrassment of appearing ridiculous. For me it was so. I was on the track, his eyes lit up all those who watched with great ease danced to the tune of salsa and merengue. I was only there to watch, just me, I was already having fun. But then I was invited, and ... I said: "... but Siiiii!" I spent two hours dancing, I enjoyed as never before ... I had a sore leg muscles and a smile on his face throughout the evening. I even lost the people with whom I was ... I was at the center of the track and I had no intention of leaving until they came almost to myself. Bravissimo "first dancer", the second guy who invited me, what with whom I have danced ever more time and I call "first dancer" because of all was the best. Very nice doctor. Every now and then passing whispers in my ear congratulations with the wonderful cadence of Naples, only that was enough to make me smile. At the end of grueling dance for me, I told him: "Doctor I'm not feeling so well, I have shortness of breath and a strange weight in her chest ...", he said:" Miss you are too well ... " I understand that much depends on how I place myself. Can I give my best all the times that I would do my best. The wholesome entertainment, the availability, the joy of exchanging jokes, to laugh with the stranger as if I knew him for years, comes from that inner journey that continues unabated to proceed forward. And 'good laugh, especially when the laughter flows from a healthy joy, laughter is not to hide, to conceal a melancholy, but for the pleasure of feel alive among the people. It was a taste of a path that does not stop in the depths of each one of us, step by step, tear after tear, laugh after laugh. And then I'm happy to feel myself, to feel a person who has his time and respects them, that in no hurry to achieve goals more or less true, but who knows how to wait, although sometimes it would feel similar to the sclera others. To all those who use shortcuts that launch themselves in situations without dissolving the previous nodes, which is let go and yet they have not solved anything.
thank and salute all the guys with discretion, as I like, made me feel special for a night. Back home with the ingenuity of a child, I thought I did ... who knows
In the bed, a few minutes staring at the stars and just sleep.
Some time ago, a special person in my life one day looking into my eyes told me: "You're fantastic, you're just difficult to manage ..." How I laughed when I told her point of view. As is my usual, I asked questions about the second part of the sentence. Freedom, independence, madness, intelligence, sensitivity, and that is good today and I quote only the quality, I do not have to account to anyone and indeed, alongside all the defects sung a thousand times, reaffirmed in action two thousand times.
At times I wonder if we really grow in life. Despite myself, I can always provide an answer to this question. There is certainly chronological age that makes you an adult, that regardless of personal perceptions, he introduces you or throws you into the world of adults. Suffice it to say that the law becomes a social entity, with the coming of age, precisely the age of eighteen.
When advanced in years, the main risk is to assume the status of your adult. Do you think the six points just because you have 27, 31, 38 ...
But then you find yourself to act, to think, just like when I was 20 years old, 22, 25 ...! Questioning the act is always more difficult than it needs to be done. Disprove our theories developed, the basis on which we strengthened our status as adults, is an extremely difficult and almost always do not do it by choice, but because they are forced by the vicissitudes of life. Changing course, be subversive of the way we do, disrupting the coherence and coherent understanding that is not the one who walks down the same road, but who knows when to change it ... Not everyone.
A thousand times I heard phrases like: "I have always acted that way ..." There have been times when I wanted to convince myself of the truth of those sentences. "I am so and then I act like that." It seemed to me a phrase of effect, striking, which conveys a certain degree of security, leading to almost an act of authority.
not remember, but if I have spoken, I never really felt mine. I am the evolution of thought. I change my mind every five minutes and even if I do go crazy over the world, I prefer the constant struggle with my alleged certainties. If you have ever return and just to give me a stronger impetus, such as a jump take a run to get a boost more effective, so that moving your feet on the ground can fly higher. Having certainty is important, but its values \u200b\u200bis that we must not entrench on individual opinions. When you
values \u200b\u200btight, do not live with the consent of others, does not depend from the gratification that you get from people.
That's why for me it was good to deny even the compliments ricevuti. Non era un atteggiamento di falsa modestia il mio, anzi, ma il piacere di mostrarmi in tutto per come sono, vera sempre, anche nell'apparenza. Dire ad un uomo:" guarda che ti sbagli sono così per il trucco che porto", é un modo, se pur bizzarro, di comunicare la reale consapevolezza che si ha di se stessi e se l'altro ti smentisce ben venga. Ciò che più conta é non perdere il contatto veritiero con il proprio essere. Conoscere se stessi per ciò che si é e non per quanto senti raccontare dagli altri. Le persone non vanno usate per sentirci gratificati. Tutto al più vanno ascoltate, perché magari possono ampliare gli orizzonti del nostro pensiero. Tutti possono darci qualcosa di interessante, anche se completamente diverso da ciò che abbiamo noi da offrire. Ascoltare significa rispettare chi ci sta davanti, mentre ottenere dall'interlocutore ciò che ci fa comodo, la frase di cui abbiamo bisogno, l'apprezzamento, beh non é tanto rispettoso. In fondo ascoltiamo noi stessi, solo noi stessi. L'altro é un po' uno specchio di quello che abbiamo in corpo e che desideriamo ricevere dall'esterno.
Dopo una serata, dieci o cento serate passate così, la cosa che più conta é non dimenticare di guardare alla vita per ciò che essa é.
Essa infatti non é solo risate e balli al ritmo di salsa e merengue, concedersi momenti simili é più che giusto. Fondamentale però é continuare ad affrontare anche le cose che meno ci piacciono. Quelle stesse cose che se potessimo, se ne avessimo la facoltà elimineremmo dalla nostra vita. E'l'insieme che fa la differenza, che ci fa considerare quanto viviamo Vita...
Buona domenica a tutti!
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