Monday, February 21, 2011

Learn To Suck Your Own Cock

Reportage # 90 (sad edition)

Reportage praticamente saltato per "weekend non pervenuto".
Sono rimasto rinchiuso home from Friday afternoon until this morning, except for two hours of air to go to the grocery store and gym.
bad thing when you wait for the weekend with anxiety and then depression and sadness become the only score on which to recline your notes. But anyhow ...
What do you do when you feel like a black mood cacchetta charred? Accommodate the sax that you exaggerate, you sit in and listen to the melody until you turn off or try to react, you put your hands over your ears and you take your ass elsewhere lalalala?
Unfortunately I think I belong to the first category: I'm pressed against the punch in the stomach and the rest suspended in a pause of life, under vuoto spinto.
Però mi masturbo. Praticamente non faccio altro... E qualcuno mi ha detto che finchè me lo meno non devo preoccuparmi di nulla: finchè è duro, non è dura.
Vabbè dai, statemi bene tutti quanti. Io ricomincio da qui.


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