Monday, January 31, 2011

Verbiage For Performance Reviews

Report # 87 Monday

Che fame con 'sto freddo...
Ho sempre fame, anche mentre mangio sento una fame inestinguibile.
Questo gelo mi porterà ad essere il sosia italiano di Manuel Uribe, lo so... Non mi resta che pregare una celeste intercessione:
Santa Rosanna Lambertucci da Rete4, dissolvi i miei larderelli!
Santa Wanna Marchi dal Gabbio, dispensami il tuo scioglipanza!
Santa Sidney Rome da...(Sidney?...Roma?...boh...), fammi veni' voglia di andare in palestra!

Venerdì uscitina evening after dinner with Pablo. A birrozzo to Punt? and talk in quantities. At the end of our mouth froth of the glasses, but we were waiting! Apart from the murders that we plan to complete before going to the andropause and how many we ate boogers from kids, I think we talked about all human knowledge.

Saturday evening, tired of the usual trans-trans clubbers, with the boyfriend decided to have a truly concerderci to the limit, which discourage the reader to reproduce at home without adult supervision and the ' appropriate use of rounded tip scissors, from early afternoon until late in the evening at the home of accountant in Ferrara to evoke sinful emissions bills, imagine winding VAT tax and fantasize about what might be tempting to deal with the black from time to time ... and do not talk about erotic escapes with a beef color but just evasion.
Fortunately, just when I was about to commit suicide by putting your penis in the shredder, the boy's accountant (yes, even the fennel c'abbiamo so what?) Has proposed to eat fish in a small restaurant on the dock of Comacchio. The rest of the evening went much more then happy to talk about double entry and liabilities, but this time I like it!

Sunday I get up at 11 and the strange light that spreads in the room does not bode positive. A quick look outside and the sight of a dozen who were Yedi giant slalom between penguins and snowmen with carrot nose, I confirm that yes, the mess of snow has returned to bury us alive.
day spent at home to dangle aimlessly, to prepare tea almost to melt in the microwave, to read and classify the number of orgasms get porn. Such is life.
When he goes poop.


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