Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How Long Can A Gastritis Attack Last


boy I liked to play dodgeball and I was kind of a world champion. O there.
uncommon agility made me almost impregnable and years and years of playing, I'm not joking, I was caught a 4-5 times at most. Not for nothing called me 'to scigne the monkey.
'm not pulling me, also because I imagine that very few earnings estimates that you brag about such things ... I'm just stating facts and if you do not believe, just because you have never played against me, here!
I knew I was very good and I just wanted to play with opponents who give me a hard time to win easy, I never liked it!
I wanted whoever was in front of me, to turn over the "dodgeball" in his hands ready to upload your biceps all the force he could muster and throwing his best shot, there sbattesse face against my talent and maybe even cry a little as far as he fucked up after the shot went in vain.
On the other hand I had the eight years I was an obvious piece of shit.


hear and read much about in recent days.
I know all of the PDC, the North African juvenile, dental hygienist industry professionals in the presidential prolapse, Drive In that "it all started from there," the Signorinaduelauree . Conosco anche gli operatori telefonici di ogni singola troia che andava a mangiare la caprese ad Arcore e le promozioni attive sulla sua Sim (una gemella De Vivo ha ancora la Christmas Card attiva, l'altra no. Però in compenso ha la candida e l'alitosi).
In tutto 'sto casino il Paese sembra diviso tra chi cerca di indovinare la fidanzata misteriosa e chi spera che sì, stavolta siamo finalmente al capolinea.
Io non sto nè di qua nè di là.
Mi spiego: benvenga che il rattuso si tolga dai coglioni ma c'è da augurarsela davvero 'sta cosa? Come conseguenza di questi fatti?
Un'uscita di scena per guai che si è procurato da solo, nel mio approccio competitivo alle cose of life, equivalent to a victory for the PDC.
imagine it for a moment the day after the first day deberlusconizzata era.
We looked at how the few survivors of a nuclear bombing, with us unable to recognize some form of vicintore. There will not be able to propose an alternative model to the left. Fini has been a useless hope betrayed. The Judiciary will have only shown good will at times but also infinite weakness. And the company, all the ugliness of the cultural cradle which will be made for two decades. Lowering the gaze soon staring at his toes because he is gone more then welcome, we will put it in the ass if all goes away, not because sentenced for acts of Mafia extortion, procurement, corruption, tax evasion, abuse of power or money. Even die, does the same. Imagine it for a moment: Fallen Mangiafico discovered why! Almost more than a medal in the games closed Italiot the award. And that will throw light on the dark history of our country for centuries.
If Marie Antoinette was beheaded by herself dancing the waltz and stumbling around a guillotine, the French Revolution would have the same value?
I do not like to win easy. I do not want him to go for these things. I want you to really suffer. He sees with his own eyes the ingenious gimmick culturale che si inceppa e la riscossa delle donne senza codice a barre tra le cosce. Voglio che veda l'Italia apprezzata all'estero e il debito pubblico scendere per il forte aumento delle entrate fiscali. Voglio che cada sconfitto assieme al suo lascito di inciviltà innestato nella testa di ognuno di noi e che mangi polvere e merda.
Per questo, e solo per questo, io speravo che l'Italia, questa palla avvelenata, avesse potuto schivarsela.


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