Monday, January 24, 2011

Do Men Have Wet Dreams And What Is Wet Dreams

So for all my mistakes, there will be something just as great and beautiful.

so I wrote a few months ago on this very blog: "So for all my mistakes there will be something as big and beautiful."
I trap in writing, in these virtual pages, everything is finally coming true. It would be fair for me but for all those who occasionally read what I write.
I could start telling the intelligence, the capacity that some people have.
I could tell you that I learned that a special form of intelligence comes from the mind and does not consist in the ability to rationalize, to make straight and perfect curves as lines, rather than from the heart and can result in the ability to let these curves remain .
I could go on, explaining that I learned to speak in silence, I heard with my eyes, I realized that with the heart.
I could tell you that I want, that not everything I wished it was right, but that much has happened only with the power of prayer and of 'expectations.
There is no greater happiness of realizing that you're never alone, understand that even the muffled tears on the pillow at night and listened and consoled.
It 'been a long time, a time marked by the day, a time when everything is suddenly seemed static and dynamic. A time of identification.
A time of struggle, a struggle at times to ruthlessly put aside themselves.
Try to feel as he feels the other way to see the complete reality. Strive to forgive aware that anger, hatred, resentment consume you and do not bring any change. Try ... sure that your first attempt will not be sufficient, it will be many others. I can tell you that escape from difficult situations is useless because the nodes remain, and as an old proverb says: "... always come home to roost."
It 's more useful to confront uncomfortable with that reality, diving into, until they bear fruit. In fact, I could testify that everything in life, even the thing that we would not, could be useful. Time can become an ally only when we are prepared to live what we put before you. Keeping your life is bitter, is useless. It 's like living in the middle, not live a life, to live without change, without growing. Twenty years and have then suddenly thirty, with no real progression.
closures create conflict between people and fake peace. It 's like when you watch the sea is calm ... Down in the depths could be triggered by opposing currents, but what you perceive is only the calm! An apparent calm that if I tried to grab it you will be overwhelmed, you push down, like a whirlpool in the sea. You will end up with even after years of unresolved situations. A new life but has not won in the past. The
bitter that you have not lived before coming back again ...
Your actions are not only yours. A selfish and egocentric vision leads you to believe so.
However, when you close, quando non affronti, quando eviti le persone che ti creano problemi, pregiudichi anche la loro possibilità di crescita. Il nodo infatti é un macigno che si instaura nella relazione, così pesante da interromperla. Perché la relazione é come una strada a doppio senso molto stretta, un qualunque impedimento su una delle due corsie, genera un immancabile ostacolo anche sull'altra. Tutte le volte in cui non siamo noi a decidere ma finiamo per essere oggetto delle scelte altrui, possiamo impegnarci a vivere comunque il nostro dolore, entrandoci dentro così da superarlo lo stesso. Certo i tempi saranno più lunghi, la lotta più dura, ma se ci impegniamo nell'intento, sicuramente ne usciremo più forti e liberi. Non avremmo più alcun fardello anche se dopo molti anni si ripresentasse il passato.
La strada giusta é sempre la più difficile da percorrere.


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