already would be a relief for me to see a single bull put to flight these heroes, fighters, plus an entire bloodthirsty arena.
Elias Canetti, The Human Province, 1973
There is a video running on YouTube and Facebook.
It 's a cartoon a few minutes.
's about how you make a fur coat.
E 'of a just crazy.
E 'here.
I've also stuck a couple of aphorisms, but ...
We now reflects. On how
smaciulliamo animals at a staggering rate. For fur, food etc ...
I am a vegetarian recently.
Until you see things from another point of view you do not notice.
on the fur and not to mistreat animals I was already convinced even as a child.
People do not care, is immaterial.
not give a damn. Do not give up steak.
fucking slice it, when he was still alive he has never seen freedom in his life
People do not surrender to the Mc. There is no alternative.
's what the problem. There is no alternative.
At least, here in Italy.
In Sweden, at least there is a chain, MAX, a competitor of Mc, but environmentally sustainable.
There's nothing to do. They are ahead. Listen to Radio Max
E 'for half an hour I can not do anything ...
When I come in Alexandria, now I realize that there is only meat in the fridge ... It 'scary! There
sauce or sliced \u200b\u200bsausage or chicken or avalanches.
In practice there is the smell of blood everywhere.
A couple of weekends I've done on my own expense if not fasted .. We
animal cruelty.
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