Thursday, November 29, 2007

120-55 Queens Blvd Court

I agree with the following points:

1 - La magistratura è stata fermata dalla politica
2 - Una volta con Falcone e Borsellino si usava il tritolo
3 - Oggi interviene direttamente il ministro della Giustizia

Sei d'accordo anche tu con questi punti? Dai! fatti querelare anche tu da Mastella! o clicca sul logo a fianco..... yeah! sembra una i quelle pubblicità per cellulari... Porca eva.. cresce a dismisura la mia voglia di farmi schiavizzare in Olanda...

Friday, September 28, 2007

Canadian Acrostic Poem

Life's a riddle, Life's a dream, Life's an accident ....

Le cose stanno prendendo una piega tanto bella quanto inaspettata: non so per quale ragione, anche se non ce ne deve essere una. Ma è bene, molto bene, forse troppo, non so. Rimane un fatto:
Bene, visto che sono le cinque di notte e che dopodomani si ricominciano le lezioni e che mi mancano sei esami alla laurea e che è un periodo assolutamente grandioso e che premonition è un bel film che va capito (su cui aprirò una parentesi in futuro, come le altre mille parentesi che avrei dovuto aprire e che non ho mai aperto) e che captivity è un film di merda e che odio gli omofobici a favore della famiglia così perchè è bello e fa chic e che non esiste una contronatura bensì solo diverse nature in quanto create tutte dalla natura stessa.... Buonanotte. Anzi buongiorno (che se ci fosse qui Sandra Bullock ci teletrasporterebbe in un'altra parte del mondo con metà dei suoi parenti morti).

God Save The Style. Parole santissime....

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Reinstalling Dell Wlan Wireless

It's murder on the dancefloor But you better not kill the groove ... The Beat Goes On

Ah. Sabani è morto, Pavarotti pure. La tossicodipendenza imperversa e mio padre si dimostra di giorno in giorno sempre più testa di cazzo. Eppure, in questo clima di angoscia, I still find the strength to write very nice post on my blogghettino pretty.
many topics of general education to deal with in this articlol ... no, article ... Oh!

First of all: Since time immemorial, have always been a contempt avid Red Moon: the hatred, contempt with all my heart, also because I managed to get into a 3-fold if all goes well. But these bad feelings have changed for some weeks. Crediatci or not, and pleases me a lot. It will be for the company, will be for the revival room where if we go there a couple of times we take time ineterminato as leaders on Friday evening, will be on Long Island that make contutti 7 and liqueurs, or perhaps simply I did not throw more out, mah .... Must
revival of the room (with spectacular choreography invented to me) from now on you should not jump, otherwise public beheading: Maracaibo, YMCA, Night Flight, Think, Flashdance, will go up, Happy Birthday (and raffaella mine). .. Dimi

Then, for the "you were one of those golden opportunities, but those that occur under your eyes in all their glory and I captain a once in a lifetime (my God, what the fuck are you looking! ?!?) and you will ignore such a moron, thinking of things that do not exist ...." I will not go into details ... Too painful ... Sigh ... And Uncle Mauro we put it all really. There are only two: either I've got Saturn in Opposition, or are truly an idiot .... I know the two ...

Then the feast of the poles on which to draw a veil for the following reasons: 1
. Yes and no were 20 people in a pair were staggering seventy
2. What was the most alcoholic beer (well, if we exclude the Estathe lemon)
3. Apart from the last band tribute to Oasis, avvro good, what the hell was that thing covered with a bold white jacket on stage shouting "Oi life, or my life "?!?!?!
4. There were 8 degrees if it went well and we were all under the street lamps in lightweight jersey lightly.

console ourselves with the fact that Eri and Jade are still alive after that have both breasts removed e le ovaie (o forse erano solo le tonsille?) e che stanno decisamente bene. Non mangiano, non bevono, non parlano, sono dimagrite tre chili, e hanno continue perdite di sangue dal naso, ma per il resto è tutto a posto.

Cmq grazie a:
Ale: guida morale e spirituale . Grazie per trascinarmi via di casa anche quando io non vorrei e tu a ragione mi rompi le palle e per mille altre cose che non mi vengono in mente. Ma basta coi sacchetti igienici per signora!
Paola: per avermi chiamato squisito. Non mi ero mai sentito come un Lindor prima d'ora e per mille altre cose che non mi vengono in mente.
Mauro: perchè ci porta in giro, per le sue telefonate da 40 minuti con A., per Dimi (vabbè meglio che sull'argomento not go back there again) and for many other things that come to mind.
Melon: because the world would be a worse place without him

And now he begins to study seriously, starting with ..... now! (Tomorrow, that is)

end of the post Well, I hate myself x strongly that "oversight" of the medieval festival but that's okay .... indeed not good. Not at all! Btter you think! Aretha was right.

Friday, August 24, 2007

What Kind Of Vest Does Ferris Bueller Wear

Returning to life every day in the "laughing" (because when you see it, you laugh because you're happy that there are better places and I'm not that far to reach) the city of Alexandria for a week now only now beginning to write a post quell'argomeno on socially useful is "weekend of smoking and alcohol in the city named in Pietra Ligure and that apart from the beach, the kebabbaro, the pizzeria that makes 1000 different types of pizzas, ice cream shop that makes the ice more good of the world and a good portion of cool, is more similar to the trauma intensive hospital ward. "
To start the series with one sentence over seven and a half lines is always nice and makes the reading light.

happened that for three days mestesso me, Uncle Mauro (which I renamed Uncle Mark and Uncle Mario prey to the fumes of alcohol), and Eri Gia has Gathered in cheerful apartment in Pietra Ligure, that is eight inches from the track from the railroad that whenever is a train seems to be coming down the bearing wall.
Li spent 72 hours of pure joy in which I would like to enhance these moments (I do not speak so well in real life):

1. Eri, lady birds (they are equipped with photographic evidence to documetarlo): on one thing there can be no doubt now, You were like a bird. Is clear, even to me, but Eri has a particular affinity for those with wings, feathers and beak. Oh, he could not even eat ice cream as usual. No, once you eat ice cream for her duopo throw the pieces of the cone to see the pigeons in front of his eyes, to fight to grab the porione daily. Among them is denoted the pigeon shit that instead of taking his part, did not want the others would take them saccagnava barrel.

2. Seratina "Poker-money", strip poker, touch and a lot of smoke (over a lot of joy):
then, first touch when you were little parties has now developed the perfect strategy for drinking, however, even if the queen comes out: when the King says, "You were drunk," she grabs at a fraction of a second glass, you just wet your lips with alcohol to avoid drinking you lose and then nonchalantly (in whatever way you write it) is passed to the actual 20 minutes drinking . In this way we downed a pint of beer
Then strip small parties, I've lost (I know, to enjoy some moments should be) Then
money to small parties, this Once we lost it all You were bluffing has gained 15 € (the verb to make a bluff, said bluff) ......................... ............. I have no words. Greedy!

3. Morning at the beach with Gia trying to plant the blunt pole of the umbrella on the beach. You were behind him and I swore with the flowers open umbrella in his hand for half an hour when I felt a very chic lady, alternating with Rihanna, you do.

4. Day devoted to saturated fats: cannoli, cakes, chips, kebabs, burgers.

5. Early departure of Mau for heart problems (no, not had a thrombosis) and subsequent construction of alibi for the subject, by the group if we escape the dead stabbing, which was on the academic journey by train, when he's an idiot in kiesto maniaera unkind to lower the window.

6. Presence's sister Gia with her friends that 4 mangiaviano in a week what I eat in twenty minutes if I take well.

7. Keep in mind: You were not hot on the beach, you inpana, such as the Bausch.
8. From the notes of pathology and immunology, human (yes, we have studied them well ...... we are sick), I learned that the zebra is not a hernia perchèp have become accustomed to the stress of the lions. My life has improved accordingly. And
enough. Magnificent moments, no doubt about it. Thank you all.

Only a small note: Gentilini and his "ethnic cleansing of culattoni" can easily go to hell (trust me, it is not so bad) together with all crap shoot fascist by the day. And no one does anything? No, I say, send him home to make fascistello in the home? But that shit country.
Full Post on this to follow.

Monday, August 13, 2007

How Do You Find An Attractive Female Doctor

Back To Black True Confessions

Back in Alexandria now for 5 days, infinite sadness, deserted city, but some certainties remain: the Cebra, MediaWorld and the characteristic smell of dirt nearby Alessandrini (or I will not wash myself?). Ah! How am I tied to my land!

And to think that a week ago I was in Tuscany with Giuly, happy land just two hours from home intercity where the air is clean, the view is beautiful and the boys even more.

Well, it duopo that tells the "what" like "" where "and" why "of the successful journey.
First, a correction will be iodine doping or will be simply that there are less and study more in the gym, the fact is that ... um ... Put it this way ... the amount of well-cooked meat that is in that place not think I've ever seen anywhere else ... My God! I think it's the closest thing to my idea of \u200b\u200bheaven ... oh but everyone! Not one that lowers nowhere near the definition of "cute". Where's My Car from all up ... I know ... I can not wait to come back ... AH ... also all heterosexual and boyfriends .... But not too
dilunghiamoci; perfect journey, the train on time (no, not snowing) first day at sea is also perfect in Carrara.

Evening disc: the Seven (from whom I stole a label "confidential" that I keep jealously now, I do not know why), local chicchissimo where they charge 25 euro to get you not to be completely paved with gold, or there was an elephant, you need the cuba libre. The thing that amazed me was the amount of people at the entrance: so many, but just so many hundreds and hundreds, all eager to get crowded on each other in a niche, which is more than cute ..... The problem is the music: there are no songs, just an endless base house heavy ball ..... That shit!
However, the bouncer, at least they were nice, and me even more because I also have taken on without asking too many stories (toh! that phrase straight) and one girl even gave me his ticket for free admission (.. ...............)
The following days have passed between days on the beach, walking in the evenings and momtagna shovel, place (not a local, is not nothing, but it's fun) where the food is ridiculously good and the villagers caught by a sudden spirit of generosity will also pay the dinner, but on the other hand claim that tu balli insieme a loro lisci, polke, macarene, e Y.M.C.A., l'unica a cui non sono riuscito a sottrarmi (come i village non ci'è nessuno).

Poi Deborah: pazza scatenata che non sei altro; lei è una di quelle che nelle curve in montagna fa dei sorpassi pazzeschi intorno ai 100 km/h senza troppo scomporsi e insultando chiunque vada sotto gli 80 all'ora. La adoro. Anche i suoi amici li adoro ma per altri motivi più profondi (in effetti erano sotto le magliette).
Poi la nonna di Giuly: parla da sola. Sempre. E credo ormai di conoscere la sua vita a memoria.
Poi Giuly: che ormai conosce meglio di me il mio cellulare, che in quei cinque giorni ha fatto completamente suo.

La cosa che credo mi rimarrà impression of this holiday will be the return trip: was to last three hours, it lasted five. We had to take a train, we have taken a third of which has also caught fire ... What more do you want out of life .... a Lucan? No, oh well for this time I'll settle for a Long Island.
Well, my 85th post is made: Pietra Ligure next destination and then at the end Ahosto all again in Tuscany to feast his eyes and possibly get someone. And in the meantime let's overdose Mediaworld of those crazy.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Sony 34xbr960 Ps2 480i

Well, here's how promessovi full story of what happened:
mine, went for a bike ride (and it's very rare that you schiodino from home, especially My father, who has the same shape of a woman eight months pregnant only with less hair and more hair) and met my aunt (who is actually the wife of a cousin .... in short, a depressed that has nothing to do). After
esseresi stopped to chat for a while, had the bright idea to go home (dare I say it together) and all three begin to argue.
At one point when the discussion was addressed to my aunt on topics such as high: Comn is important to eat at the table together and talk, point: my father for the concepts of dialogue (di = two) is equal to that of a monologue (mono = one) led by him in which no one can stop it (this topic originated from the fact that I had already eaten and was not at the table with them). But above all as mothers ruin families (yes, my aunt was insulted by itself) as mothers. My mother did not defend because it says it's not worth it and that is fine by me. The thing that made me angry is when my father gave reason to my aunt, when the only reason x which have a sort of family (or a cluster of three people who live in the same place by chance ).... oh well never mind.
Moral: I was at the door (open, not eavesdropping) of the room and my aunt's phrase "when you have a girlfriend who want to marry do not have to like your mother but you" (always one of my undoing father who went after noting how he had ruined his family, then I'll make a post about him) (after having insulted a quarter of an hour) I spoke, visibly pissed off (I know, writing does not make it) and I said " So, first: I do not think I have a girlfriend, and second do not worry i will say that when I get married "
(written does not make it, had to be there, crazy scene)
At that moment the air was frozen.
My aunt, "but I understand you correctly?"

baffled my father my mother
normal (I know, I should have said something less subtle like "Dad: I enjoy with my dick in her ass" ... so it would be better)
At this point the party Best:
after several sentences in which I stated:
1. how I "knew" since I was a child to be gay and
2. when the hormones are shot (ahime! later) of how reliable they have been seeing with those who excuse the frankness, I had a hard cock and who does not.
E 'came the best part in my father told me as I have done 10 years to become homosexual boys of summer 95 (randomly during the same period in which he is totally left out of my head) and he has noticed when I came to take a day (I want to point out that in 1995 I never went to summer boys nn me and he has never come to take anywhere) and I found under a tree alone, when up to that moment I had always played with other children (another incredibly false).
At that point I intervened by saying that I had never played with other children and who was shooting a huge pile of crap.
He responds by saying "Well, but how do you remember what happened to you when you were little?" "No, how do you remember it, and that there was nn've never come even once. I think I remember it because, you know, I lived"
At this my father (obviously short of arguments) responds as reading a chapter in a book he likes, one that will explain in detail how the military can control the mind every day (................. .......................) I can explain how I have shaped gay (I would note, no serial killer or thief, but even fennel).
After my refusal to read the discussion is off the pace and all that for half an hour with my mother tried in vain to tell my father that you think everyone should follow their instincts and that the military centered little .
Clarification, by his own admission my father reads all day, every day those books to understand how the world works and to get the blood bitter (supported by my aunt) and they think a strict military-style education (eg not you're hungry at lunch because my stomach is imploding -> did not eat at dinner) is the best in raising i figli, visto che loro sono stati cresciuti in quel modo. Si vedono i risultati.

P.S. Ho omesso alcuni deliri e digressioni di mia zia e mio padre per evidenti motivi di spazio e di noia nello scriverli.

Permettetemi un'ultima nota:
se mi avessero plasmato i militari... sono estremamente felice che lo abbiano fatto. Fatemeli conoscere perchè,se è vero voglio essere plasmato ancora e ancora e ancora.

Questa è la mia famiglia; bella vero?

Isabella And Milena Velba

E October 19 .....

si va a vedere Mika in concert a Torino!!!
Ma vieni!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Can You Get Herpes From Sharing Pants

July 29, 2007 - Revolution Begins

Just a small note, the post integral in the coming days I will write to tell you that I'm done with my outing and that it will have heavy consequences. For now, I defended my mother and my father hates me, or rather it is convinced that when I was 10 years have begun to shape the mind to make homosexual. And among those who have shaped it could also be my mother
Let a poetic comment on this thing: I feel
the clouds on the horizon and the storm formed nearby.
We must say that I like storms.
with STO heat doi need a breath of fresh air. However
crdo to be the first day that I'm really proud of me itself.
Bravo Guido!
And anyway there is always Lostprophets we all remember for years to come that the cobra is a snake but not a thought that often becomes indecent when I see you ..... Well I can only see your post and acts the same.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Does The Army Accept People With Eczema

Sudo ergo sum - bags for women and hamsters rent

Oh well, first of all let me reassure Alessia; Yes, I'm updating the blog (which is said to write a new post), so your mad desire to write comments will soon be satisfied and that no, (I'll confirm ) The cobra is a snake but not a thought that often becomes indecent especially in my head.
good, after that, the exams are finally finished !!!!!!!!!!!! ended with an unexpected 30 of BME (and yes, I have refrained from making the joke about the professor transformers) (yes I know I suck) July 23, when normal people are at sea for a swim in some Japanese archipelago.
Although in reality last night I was dreaming to come back for the umpteenth time the structure of proline and yield still continue to do so for some days.

What happened, therefore, in these long days in my life, fairly flat and monotonous aside hours and hours of study?
.1. (A point or point) last Friday against the poor that has touched Alessia drive to a country whose name I've removed the data and we have already heavily to the air chamber to make them Despite a ...... Um ... No, not really pretend to be room, but we cried because we still drunk as shit with the absinthe (75 degrees) and Strohl (80 degrees) and seemed to live in a dream ... Also thanks to a nice entertainment presenter paid to present a "thing" of machines culminated in a poor man to admit to past there by chance you saw was from morning to night, and this in front of all his countrymen.
Spread a layer of cement on the pitiful village festival, held the next day, just think where Ele is a good time, probably shewn heavily coca in the 8 times you went to the bathroom.

Day in Pavia, where Alessia ni has kindly given us a "hygiene-beutel damenbinden fur" or "a bag lady" or that thing where women bring towels and men used the sandwiches. Obviously, the religious conservatives
No, well, jokes apart, having shot to bring the thesis of Pavia Exia (Xena's sister), I hit a beautiful city which is the above (even if devoid of life since the day of July) and how horrible and Alexandria is empty (apart from the cartagiovani I found out yesterday thanks to the help of Marge).
Oh and in case you need to go to Pavia please stop in the colorful town of Cala Cannonara, a place where they invented the guns, not those who shoot, but the ones we'll shoot this summer.
After this, but yes! Paola expensive (complimentoni for graduation, I ask forgiveness for essermene forgotten), the feelings of both are locked: you Cause I can find a someone to love and I, that I have "very stuck" on someone (and very wrong) . What is the solution to our problem? Mah! I do not know, but if you find her I will make you a ring.

Meetings which take place in summer
As such, if in a sunny day, when it is hot, but so hot that even the stones Cerano shelter under the trees, incotraste Rihanna and she'll say with a typical tone Voice of the stupid Paris Hilton "Yes, you can stand under my umbrella .... ello .... ello.... ello.... e... e... e...!"

E soprattutto Trudy! cricetino adorabile che ho avuto in affitto solo per quattro giorni a causa di un dis-guido (Hahahaha.... huhuhuhuhuhu... basta) a Giada che si è trovata al check-in in aereoporto senza passaporto. Credo che la situazione sia tragica almeno quanto trovarsi davanti Rihanna con un esercito di ombrelli.

Bene, dopo ciò vi lascio dopo questo post poco ispirato che non mancherò di ritoccare in futuro (che sto ritoccando alle ore 15 e 49; credo che la mia temperatura corporea sia minore di quella atmosferica); una cosa però l'ho capita in questo periodo, una tipica frase da bacio perugina che mi è capitato di ascoltare in un'intervista delle invasioni barbariche:
that the best thing about the people you love and those you love who is never do what you expect, if everything was as we program a great life would be boring .... (Typical phrase of those cookies you find in Chinese restaurants)
Greetings, Happy Holidays and remember to write in the next post of scherzettino ke we thought for my graduation
And like the mythical Giuni said: I want to go to Alghero in the company of a foreign (and my mother does not need to know and all the other cows and having a bit of chest please).

Monday, July 9, 2007

Do I Need Magnum Condoms

want to gift a harmonizer

Oh! Then, provided that recombinant technology is now a distant memory (because I remember Hardly anything) and not killed me .... oh yes, I know! Missed opportunities! But what can you do ...
It agreed that same day Eri took 24 of BME without having studied a butt just due to the fact that I have come to take the exam, which is subscribed to come to a decent 7 of biochemistry, quantum leap in below 4.5 after the rehearsal ... no, I say (yes, you always say) is almost twice as much! Signed
this and the fact that climbing the stairs of the cinema to watch Transformers in me thought "God! Boiata What I'm doing? But 6 euros for this shit?" And then completely changed my mind about this little gem of modern cinema after 2 hours I have not looked at the clock, I did not even una volta (devo sempre ringraziare la mia bionda preferita x aprirmi gli occhi sui capolavori nascosti del cinema moderno; grazie Becks).
E dettofatto che ho una gran voglia di cazzi,
Possiamo passare all'argomento di queso post che, come tutti i miei post, dimentico una volta conclusa la terza riga.

Beh comunque da transformers ho appreso una cosa sconvolgente:
ENB è un acronimo che stò per Entità Non Biologiche, e guarda caso come si chiama l'esame che devo dare il 23? BME che è esattamente la sequenza palindroma di ENB (non fosse per una M... dettagli...). QUindi ciò significa che nella mia facoltà nascondono macchine mutanti in grado di trasformarsi in robottoni ultima generazione, pieni of stylish accessories as well as very cool? Or it could be that my power is the cube (which are there as a form), source of life on earth? Who knows!

plans for this summer after July 23;
DAP devastated Alcohol = SIP = Deep
Studio Intensely Pathology
RIP = Rest In Peace And how would
SIP inhibits DAP, which in turn stimulates RIP
So in the absence SIP is a DAP Avalanche and my liver thanks you.

And on the DAP to make a clarification: Ale, Giuly you go down this summer to EPD that it must stop at least for so-called rape of sedecenni, after having made chase running from the chaff for about twenty miles completely drunk and naked.
Eri, learn more about: Tunisia and possibly this summer after the first transaction to your tonsils draining seminal fluid (I take office in the hospital for the occasion) weekend alcohol in Pietra Ligure heats with gusts up to touch a star so bad, but so bad that we get from the hall to the bathroom on a stretcher if all goes well (ie if it tellurgica shock that makes us roll into the toilet).

And that would be cool if I said to my professor examination:
G: "You know the name of his subject is ill palindrome of ENB"
P: "And you know it took for the fourth time 7, and I wonder why not me I'm amazed "
G:" Ah here ... "

Well, now, I leave at 1:43 in the blogosphere fly very lettosfera, since my head is about to fall off from fatigue and rolling down from the balcony (and it is not good).
Pis en lov to all (yes, always the two of you)

PS The title is a sentence of the first verse of "Summer by the Sea" of the great Russian Giuni rest his soul (gay, she too).

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Examples Of Soap Notes For Occupational Therapy

Death is coming ... Statistics

And I think by the name of recombinant technologies ...

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Can You Get Hand Foot And Mouth Twice


FENOMENO Twitter ------>INSTALL pc/mac
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----> INFOS
------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------

a service that allows you to leave a message in real time no longer than 140 characters, and read shared community.
all messages can also be received via SMS.

------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------- --------> Add to your Twitter followers to gain popularity as your friends

----- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----> TWITTERSearch
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---> LIFEHACK ARTICLE


TWITTER DIDATTICA ----------> Twitter: didattica ed everywhere messaging


Robert Scoble, coautore di Naked Conversation, per esempio, scrive che “Big revolutions always start with the stupidest small things”.

“into a fascinating blend of ephemerality and permanence, public and private”

What Twitter does, in a simple and brilliant way, is to merge a number of interesting trends in social software usage--personal blogging, lightweight presence indicators, and IM status messages--into a fascinating blend of ephemerality and permanence, public and private.

The big "P" word in technology these days is "participatory." But I'm increasingly convinced that a more important "P" word is "presence." In a world where we're seldom able to spend significant amounts of time with the people we care about (due not only to geographic dispersion, but also the realities of daily work and school commitments), having a mobile, lightweight method for both keeping people updated on what you're doing and staying aware of what others are doing is powerful.
Elizabeth Lane Lawley

By “everywhere messaging” we refer to the ability to send and receive electronic communication at any time and through a variety of means, including wired and wireless computer networks, voice telephones, and pagers. Our goal is to design messaging systems in which the receiver is always “on” and available, and messages are correctly chosen for unintrusive delivery. But even in the office, and especially out of it, message arrival must compete in the real world with other activities that place demands on users' cognition and for which message alerting may itself be a distraction. In this paper we consider four experimental projects in terms of their ability to meet everywhere messaging requirements of minimizing interruption, adaptation to the user, location awareness, and unintrusive user interfaces. These projects demonstrate message filtering, location-specific delivery, flexible auditory alerting, and operation in, and monitoring of, a heterogenous networking environment.
by C. Schmandt, N. Marmasse, S. Marti, N. Sawhney, and S. Wheeler


Skype: ewan.mcintosh

Twitter allows loads of different ways to contribute small messages to 'mini blog'. You can upload messages through the Twitter website or via your phone. People can see what you've texted to the service by a dynamic badge on your blog or school website. They can also subscribe to the messages on their own mobile phone. This is where the potential for schools is great.

Parents could subscribe to different Twitter channels created by a school: Head Teacher's news, pupil of the week, announcements of meetings, sports news... Every time a new piece of news is released their mobile buzzes with the message. Alternatively, they could set it up on their work computer Internet Explorer, using the orange RSS button. If I were in a classroom I'd be seizing this to just send home great news on pupil progress (rules on identifying pupils remain - first names only, no class name given). For more whole-school issues such caution is less necessary as news would rarely cover any particular pupil.

Any takers? Anyone doing it already? I'd love to follow the uptake of Such an initiative.
------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------

TEACHING Antonio Sofi

What can the school to Web 2.0? A thousand things Twitter

course. 2.0 The school is talking, as I wrote a week ago, more dynamic and fuzzy, without strong monologues and conversations. But in practice how to use the wonders of so-called Web 2.0 for teaching? And, above all, what are - these wonders?

An almost endless list, dated last October (but it seems to be updated) is on Real World, Best of the Best Web 2.0 Web Sites. And if you want more assurance of updating, better Everything 2.0 blog, or the new channel of Excite Italy, Web 2.0, edited by the young graduate student Alessandro Guerra (that Web 2.0 is developing a thesis, a thesis course 2.0). And view to use some of these applications?

Solution Watch has just published two episodes dedicated to the possible or potential educational applications of Web 2.0: Back to School with the Class of Web 2.0: Part 1 and Back to School with the Class of Web 2.0: Part 2: lots of resources to explore .

again. There is a list of 23 things to do with Web 2.0, almost a year ago has been developed by the blog of the Public Library of Charlotte Mecklenburg County. Small learning exercises that can be used to begin to touch the potential of the Internet society. Maybe along with your class. Updating a bit 'list, ranging from blogging to Flickr photos, from the rss folksonomy by Technorati in, from Wikipedia to YouTube videos, from music to Pandora and to podcasts on iTunes.

All too complicated? Maybe. In fact each of these services a hidden world. Yet we may, at first, just play. Web 2.0 is also (if not more) a pleasant user experience: where wanting to learn by doing, and playing (and all those services are free).

You can start playing, for example, Twitter.

Twitter is a service - provides the presentation - you need to answer one simple question, namely: What are you doing right now? It's actually much more. Through Twitter you can publish post a few characters (140) via the web but also SMS or instant messaging, and is proving very effective for microblogging community, news streams live more or less, or the speed signal. And a thousand other possible applications, yet all to experience. Like the one that offers Doug Belshaw, just in education: using Twitter with their students.

writes that Doug is a great way to remind them of the tasks to be done, especially considerato il fatto che Twitter dà anche la possibilità di ricevere gli aggiornamenti (gratuitamente) sul proprio numero di cellulare. E il vantaggio, spiega Doug, è che non c’è nemmeno bisogno di sapere i numeri di tutti, o mandare singoli sms: se loro sono abbonati al tuo twitter basta un singolo messaggio e difficile poi possano dire che non lo sapevano.
…Doug Belshaw’s teaching-related blog: news, resources and ideas for busy teachers!........
Skype-ID: doug_belshaw

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tips For Building A Bridge With Balsa Wood


Marghe, you, the thick red hair natural that you just passed the test statistics, I ask you a question: What is the probability that
able to unleash a professor of genetics in my program programmed cell death, also called apoptosis within the next 15 minutes up to 16 if all 40 balls from an urn containing green I pulled out a blue ball, a jack of diamonds and a slice of kiwi that had been there the day before yesterday?
AND / OR you know any other way to avoid the question and kill the cat in order to stimulate a generalized and massive release of cytochrome c? Or directly intravenously injected him?