Sunday, July 29, 2007

Can You Get Herpes From Sharing Pants

July 29, 2007 - Revolution Begins

Just a small note, the post integral in the coming days I will write to tell you that I'm done with my outing and that it will have heavy consequences. For now, I defended my mother and my father hates me, or rather it is convinced that when I was 10 years have begun to shape the mind to make homosexual. And among those who have shaped it could also be my mother
Let a poetic comment on this thing: I feel
the clouds on the horizon and the storm formed nearby.
We must say that I like storms.
with STO heat doi need a breath of fresh air. However
crdo to be the first day that I'm really proud of me itself.
Bravo Guido!
And anyway there is always Lostprophets we all remember for years to come that the cobra is a snake but not a thought that often becomes indecent when I see you ..... Well I can only see your post and acts the same.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Does The Army Accept People With Eczema

Sudo ergo sum - bags for women and hamsters rent

Oh well, first of all let me reassure Alessia; Yes, I'm updating the blog (which is said to write a new post), so your mad desire to write comments will soon be satisfied and that no, (I'll confirm ) The cobra is a snake but not a thought that often becomes indecent especially in my head.
good, after that, the exams are finally finished !!!!!!!!!!!! ended with an unexpected 30 of BME (and yes, I have refrained from making the joke about the professor transformers) (yes I know I suck) July 23, when normal people are at sea for a swim in some Japanese archipelago.
Although in reality last night I was dreaming to come back for the umpteenth time the structure of proline and yield still continue to do so for some days.

What happened, therefore, in these long days in my life, fairly flat and monotonous aside hours and hours of study?
.1. (A point or point) last Friday against the poor that has touched Alessia drive to a country whose name I've removed the data and we have already heavily to the air chamber to make them Despite a ...... Um ... No, not really pretend to be room, but we cried because we still drunk as shit with the absinthe (75 degrees) and Strohl (80 degrees) and seemed to live in a dream ... Also thanks to a nice entertainment presenter paid to present a "thing" of machines culminated in a poor man to admit to past there by chance you saw was from morning to night, and this in front of all his countrymen.
Spread a layer of cement on the pitiful village festival, held the next day, just think where Ele is a good time, probably shewn heavily coca in the 8 times you went to the bathroom.

Day in Pavia, where Alessia ni has kindly given us a "hygiene-beutel damenbinden fur" or "a bag lady" or that thing where women bring towels and men used the sandwiches. Obviously, the religious conservatives
No, well, jokes apart, having shot to bring the thesis of Pavia Exia (Xena's sister), I hit a beautiful city which is the above (even if devoid of life since the day of July) and how horrible and Alexandria is empty (apart from the cartagiovani I found out yesterday thanks to the help of Marge).
Oh and in case you need to go to Pavia please stop in the colorful town of Cala Cannonara, a place where they invented the guns, not those who shoot, but the ones we'll shoot this summer.
After this, but yes! Paola expensive (complimentoni for graduation, I ask forgiveness for essermene forgotten), the feelings of both are locked: you Cause I can find a someone to love and I, that I have "very stuck" on someone (and very wrong) . What is the solution to our problem? Mah! I do not know, but if you find her I will make you a ring.

Meetings which take place in summer
As such, if in a sunny day, when it is hot, but so hot that even the stones Cerano shelter under the trees, incotraste Rihanna and she'll say with a typical tone Voice of the stupid Paris Hilton "Yes, you can stand under my umbrella .... ello .... ello.... ello.... e... e... e...!"

E soprattutto Trudy! cricetino adorabile che ho avuto in affitto solo per quattro giorni a causa di un dis-guido (Hahahaha.... huhuhuhuhuhu... basta) a Giada che si è trovata al check-in in aereoporto senza passaporto. Credo che la situazione sia tragica almeno quanto trovarsi davanti Rihanna con un esercito di ombrelli.

Bene, dopo ciò vi lascio dopo questo post poco ispirato che non mancherò di ritoccare in futuro (che sto ritoccando alle ore 15 e 49; credo che la mia temperatura corporea sia minore di quella atmosferica); una cosa però l'ho capita in questo periodo, una tipica frase da bacio perugina che mi è capitato di ascoltare in un'intervista delle invasioni barbariche:
that the best thing about the people you love and those you love who is never do what you expect, if everything was as we program a great life would be boring .... (Typical phrase of those cookies you find in Chinese restaurants)
Greetings, Happy Holidays and remember to write in the next post of scherzettino ke we thought for my graduation
And like the mythical Giuni said: I want to go to Alghero in the company of a foreign (and my mother does not need to know and all the other cows and having a bit of chest please).

Monday, July 9, 2007

Do I Need Magnum Condoms

want to gift a harmonizer

Oh! Then, provided that recombinant technology is now a distant memory (because I remember Hardly anything) and not killed me .... oh yes, I know! Missed opportunities! But what can you do ...
It agreed that same day Eri took 24 of BME without having studied a butt just due to the fact that I have come to take the exam, which is subscribed to come to a decent 7 of biochemistry, quantum leap in below 4.5 after the rehearsal ... no, I say (yes, you always say) is almost twice as much! Signed
this and the fact that climbing the stairs of the cinema to watch Transformers in me thought "God! Boiata What I'm doing? But 6 euros for this shit?" And then completely changed my mind about this little gem of modern cinema after 2 hours I have not looked at the clock, I did not even una volta (devo sempre ringraziare la mia bionda preferita x aprirmi gli occhi sui capolavori nascosti del cinema moderno; grazie Becks).
E dettofatto che ho una gran voglia di cazzi,
Possiamo passare all'argomento di queso post che, come tutti i miei post, dimentico una volta conclusa la terza riga.

Beh comunque da transformers ho appreso una cosa sconvolgente:
ENB è un acronimo che stò per Entità Non Biologiche, e guarda caso come si chiama l'esame che devo dare il 23? BME che è esattamente la sequenza palindroma di ENB (non fosse per una M... dettagli...). QUindi ciò significa che nella mia facoltà nascondono macchine mutanti in grado di trasformarsi in robottoni ultima generazione, pieni of stylish accessories as well as very cool? Or it could be that my power is the cube (which are there as a form), source of life on earth? Who knows!

plans for this summer after July 23;
DAP devastated Alcohol = SIP = Deep
Studio Intensely Pathology
RIP = Rest In Peace And how would
SIP inhibits DAP, which in turn stimulates RIP
So in the absence SIP is a DAP Avalanche and my liver thanks you.

And on the DAP to make a clarification: Ale, Giuly you go down this summer to EPD that it must stop at least for so-called rape of sedecenni, after having made chase running from the chaff for about twenty miles completely drunk and naked.
Eri, learn more about: Tunisia and possibly this summer after the first transaction to your tonsils draining seminal fluid (I take office in the hospital for the occasion) weekend alcohol in Pietra Ligure heats with gusts up to touch a star so bad, but so bad that we get from the hall to the bathroom on a stretcher if all goes well (ie if it tellurgica shock that makes us roll into the toilet).

And that would be cool if I said to my professor examination:
G: "You know the name of his subject is ill palindrome of ENB"
P: "And you know it took for the fourth time 7, and I wonder why not me I'm amazed "
G:" Ah here ... "

Well, now, I leave at 1:43 in the blogosphere fly very lettosfera, since my head is about to fall off from fatigue and rolling down from the balcony (and it is not good).
Pis en lov to all (yes, always the two of you)

PS The title is a sentence of the first verse of "Summer by the Sea" of the great Russian Giuni rest his soul (gay, she too).